Nominations for the 2024 Becky Zallek Award
Nominations for the 2024 Becky Zallek Award
Submit your nominations through February 2nd

The PDGA Women's Committee will soon be requesting nominations from current women / girl PDGA members for candidates for the Becky Zallek Women's Choice Award.
In addition to her place in the Hall of Fame, Becky — co-TD of the 2004 Pro-Am Disc Golf World Championships in Des Moines, IA — was also recognized during her too-short life with Volunteer of the Year, Tournament Director of the Year, Sportswoman of the Year, and a Special Services Award. Becky was one of the most beloved figures in the sport before her untimely passing in 2013.
The Becky Zallek Women’s Choice Award is an award given to tournament directors who have proven to be a leader amongst their peers in providing a woman-friendly atmosphere. These TDs keep women’s needs top of mind and go the extra mile to ensure a positive experience for women – both new and tenured. The inaugural Becky Zallek Women's Choice Award winner was Sara Nicholson for 2022, followed by Madison Tomaino for 2023.
Some of the criteria looked for includes: gender inclusive players packs, increased registration access for women, and appropriate course selection and layout designs. There is also space to explain what it is that your nominee does to go above and beyond.
Do you know of an unsung PDGA tournament director who sounds like the description above? Check your email later this week to find the nomination form in your inbox.
Nominations will be accepted through February 2, 2025. If you've changed your email address recently, you'll want to make sure to update that on your player profile. All active women members will receive the nomination form in their email.
The hope is to present the award to a deserving TD annually at the United States Women's Disc Golf Championships. The 2025 USWDGC is set for June in Manitowoc, WI, USA.