PDGA Majors COVID-19 Requirements & Best Practices
PDGA Majors COVID-19 Requirements & Best Practices
PDGA Tim Selinske US Masters, September 9-12, Columbia, MO. USA
The following provides an overview of the Policies & Best Practices in place for the PDGA US Masters Disc Golf World Championships. This event will be operating in a modified version of Phase 3 of the PDGA Major COVID-19 Requirements & Best Practices. This overview document provides important highlights of the full policy for quicker reference. For complete COVID-19 Policy information, please visit the PDGA Majors COVID-19 Requirements and Best Practices document.
The PDGA follows all state and local COVID-19 policies and guidance. Regarding the State of Florida, and Orange County, all entities have policies in place that allow the event to operate in accordance with the PDGA Majors COVID-19 Requirements & Best Practices stipulated here.
COVID-19 Policies & Best Practices Phase 3 Overview for US Masters:
- Non-Competitive Events: Player Check-in, Opening Ceremony, FlyMart, Players Party
- Masks will be required at these events, per venue and event rules.
- Custom reusable masks and a bottle of sanitizer will be provided to every player.
- Disposable masks and sanitizer will be provided at the entrances to each venue.
- Event Site: Entry & Protocols
- Event Site is established & protocols START: Tuesday, August 17, 8:00 AM
- Event Site protocols END: Saturday, August 21 (1 hour after play has concluded)
- CHECK IN: All persons must check in to the event to ensure they have proper credentials and all event information.
- Event Protocols are in place for ALL persons entering the event site and consist of the following:
- All persons must speak to the entry site staff and show no visible symptoms of respiratoryillness (coughing or visibly ill) and affirm that they have not had any symptoms or contact with anyone with COVID-19 symptoms for the past ten days.
- Sanitizer will be available at every water station.
- Testing & Tracing Program Active
- Full Policy provided to Competitors, Staff, Volunteers, and Media via the complete PDGA Majors COVID-19 Policy.
- Testing is required for any person entering event sites with signs, symptoms, or recent contact (past ten days) with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Social Distance
- Social Distancing of 2 meters is very highly recommended.
- Caddies Allowed
- Competitors may designate one person as a caddy. Only caddies, competitors, and specified media are allowed into designated competition areas.
- Spectating Allowed
- All spectators must abide by official event site requirements, including carrying a mask and wearing it whenever social distancing is not possible.
- Spectators must maintain appropriate social distancing from any other spectators on the course (6 feet).
- Spectators must wear a mask when they cannot practice appropriate social distancing (6 feet).
- Spectators must remain at least 50 feet away from all competitors, caddies, and media members.
- Spectators must behave professionally, not disrupting the regular play of disc golf.
- Failure to comply with any of these rules will lead to immediate dismissal from the course.
Best Practices
- Practice good hygiene.
- Use hand sanitizer.
- Disinfect surfaces where appropriate.
- Wash your hands before and after your round.
- Wear a face covering at all times, but especially when unable to socially distance.
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