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Discussion Board Conversion: 4-28-2009

Monday, April 27, 2009 - 14:56

The PDGA Discussion Board will be down for a large portion of Tuesday April 28th as we migrate the old discussion board to the new website. We will also be switching software from ubb.threads 6.5.5. to vBulletin. This conversion will also allow users to have a single login / authentication for the entire website and users will see increased functionality including blogs, and the ability to upload photos and videos in the months ahead.

We have done extensive testing on the new board thanks to the hard work of our many beta testers. It is inevitable that we will have some minor configuration adjustments over the next several weeks but feel that users will be enjoy the new features along with a performance increase the new software will offer.

If you are having issues please contact IT Lead David Gentry via email at [email protected].