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Patrick James Toolen #26274

Patrick James Toolen #26274

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Veteran's Park - Chainwreck Flex @ Vets from the Blues(shorts) iv; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,088 ft.
Z Boaz Park - Chainwreck One Round Challenge @ Z BOAZ; 19 holes; Par 57; 6,269 ft.
Veteran's Park - Chainwreck One Round challenge @ Vets from the Blues(shorts) stop5; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,345 ft.
Veteran's Park - 22nd Fahrenheit round 2(BLUES); 18 holes; Par 54; 4,210 ft.
Veteran's Park - 22nd Fahrenheit round 1 (tee pads); 18 holes; Par 55; 6,367 ft.
Veteran's Park - 33rd VPO 2ND rd 18 HOLES B pool; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,660 ft.
Veteran's Park - 33rd VPO 1st rd 18 A&B pools; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,403 ft.
Veteran's Park - Flex @ vets from the Blues II 8/25; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,243 ft.
North Park - North Park Chainwreck 1 round 8/12; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,914 ft.
Veteran's Park - 1st round Fahrenheit Fling ; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,458 ft.
Veteran's Park - 21st FAHRENHEIT FLING 2nd rnd; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,585 ft.
Veteran's Park - one round challenge 1/14/23; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,342 ft.
Veteran's Park - 32nd vpo am 21 holes (ma2) Round 2; 21 holes; Par 66; 7,988 ft.
Veteran's Park - 32nd vpo am 18 holes round 1; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,481 ft.
Veteran's Park - 20th FAHRENHEIT FLING 2nd rnd; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,585 ft.
Veteran's Park - 20th Fahrenheit fling first rnd; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,548 ft.
Veteran's Park - 31st vpo am 21 holes (ma2); 21 holes; Par 66; 7,994 ft.
Veteran's Park - 31st vpo am 18 holes; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,481 ft.
Veteran's Park - 19th Fahrenheit Fling longs; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,556 ft.
Veteran's Park - 19th FAHRENHEIT FLING shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,465 ft.
Veteran's Park - 2nd rd clay dog singles ; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,350 ft.
Veteran's Park - 1st rd clay single; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,124 ft.
Chainwreck Flex @ Vets from the Blues(shorts) ivC30-Nov-2024MA2146944YesYes
Chainwreck One Round Challenge @ Z BOAZ stop6C5-Oct-2024MA2164894YesYes
Chainwreck One Round challenge @ Vets from the Blues(shorts) stop5C24-Aug-2024MA2149923YesYes
MINT Disc presents the 22nd Fahrenheit Fling presented by Texas Chainwreck & ADGAB15-Jun-2024MA2251883YesNo
MINT Disc presents the 22nd Fahrenheit Fling presented by Texas Chainwreck & ADGAB15-Jun-2024MA2154933YesYes
KR8om presents 33rd Veterans Park Open powered by MINT disc (AM weekend)B21-Oct to 22-Oct-2023MA2256942YesYes
KR8om presents 33rd Veterans Park Open powered by MINT disc (AM weekend)B21-Oct to 22-Oct-2023MA2155939YesYes
Chainwreck Flex @ Vets from the Blues(shorts) IIC26-Aug-2023MA3145943YesYes
Chainwreck One Round Challenge @ North ParkC12-Aug-2023MA3153955NoNo
MINT Disc presents the 21st Fahrenheit Fling presented by Texas Chainwreck & ADGAB17-Jun-2023MA3161880NoNo
MINT Disc presents the 21st Fahrenheit Fling presented by Texas Chainwreck & ADGAB17-Jun-2023MA3253888NoNo
Chainwreck One Round Challenge @ VetsC14-Jan-2023MA3159922NoNo
KR8om presents 32nd Veterans Park Open powered by MINT DISCS (Am Weekend)B22-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA3275910NoNo
KR8om presents 32nd Veterans Park Open powered by MINT DISCS (Am Weekend)B22-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA3162906NoNo
20th Fahrenheit Fling presented by Texas Chainwreck & ADGAB18-Jun-2022MJ18259800NoNo
20th Fahrenheit Fling presented by Texas Chainwreck & ADGAB18-Jun-2022MJ18158908NoNo
KR8om presents 31st Veterans Park Open (Am weekend) powered by Mint DiscsB23-Oct to 24-Oct-2021MJ18276884NoNo
KR8om presents 31st Veterans Park Open (Am weekend) powered by Mint DiscsB23-Oct to 24-Oct-2021MJ18163881NoNo
19th Fahrenheit Fling presented by Texas Chainwreck & ADGAB19-Jun-2021MJ18167816NoNo
19th Fahrenheit Fling presented by Texas Chainwreck & ADGAB19-Jun-2021MJ18253879NoNo
Claydog Memorial Singles presented by ADGA & Texas ChainwreckC3-Apr-2021MJ18273789NoNo
Claydog Memorial Singles presented by ADGA & Texas ChainwreckC3-Apr-2021MJ18170790NoNo