Mar 23 2012, 07:58 AM
Would like to personaly invite those of you who are able to celebrate with me fifty years of the good life here at Shawshank! We will be playing host to 80 players in a fun and challenging 2 day A tier event in Huntsville Texas, May 5th and 6th. You will be subjected to 3 rounds of twenty holes each on one of the top rated courses in the country with a final round of ten featuring a make you or break you last shot called "tin cup"... this course fits the accurate arms of skilled shot makers also known as Masters of their game. you will be given as part of your players pack an authentic prison issue uniform with your P.D.G.A.
number stamped on the back. Also one custom designed prison issued Roc...
Sign up is at Full contact Disc golf.com, be sure and register early and add your shirt size when you sign up, Thanks to everyone for all your support in making this course and event possible!
Steve DuFrane

Mar 28 2012, 08:06 AM
ADDED CASH for this event is $2800.00 with only 80 players allowed to enter this event, somebody is going to escape with a wad of cash!

Apr 09 2012, 01:14 PM
ADDED CASH for this event is $2800.00 with only 80 players allowed to enter this event, somebody is going to escape with a wad of cash!

Will all added payout go to the MPO field?
If not, how do you plan on dividing up the payout per division?

Thanks & see you May 5th!

Apr 09 2012, 01:16 PM
Where can we mail in our entry?

Apr 09 2012, 08:08 PM
Where can we mail in our entry?

fullcontactdiscgolf.com is handling signups for this one. Birdshot (Tiffany and myself) are doing all the admin parts.

Apr 10 2012, 08:41 AM
Mail in entries can be sent to Steve DuFrane @ 450 four notch rd Huntsville Tx 77340. this event will not be for the feint of heart, skill and shot making ability will be at a premium, but you will be playing one of the most beautiful and challenging layouts in Texas!

Apr 10 2012, 08:50 AM
Added cash will be divided equally among the players entered, regardless of division.
only 80 players will be allowed to enter this event, due to the skills and technical nature of this course, we don't want to be waitin all day on cards to get past Death Row or conjugal visit... but I will put up lights and sit out there till midnight just for the pleasure of watching the best in Texas play Tin Cup!

Apr 10 2012, 10:10 AM
Thanks for the replies.
My entry check is in the mail... oh, wait - "feint of heart, skill and shot making ability will be at a premium" uh oh - hmmm - O.K. - I'll play anyway.
"you will be playing one of the most beautiful and challenging layouts in Texas!" This is why we play!!
"Added cash will be divided equally among the players entered, regardless of division."
Thanks for the answers - sounds good to me!

Apr 10 2012, 11:52 AM
I paid.....wheres my name on the list. I really enjoy the course and look forward to a great weekend

Apr 10 2012, 04:17 PM
I paid.....wheres my name on the list. I really enjoy the course and look forward to a great weekend

Upload coming shortly. Sorry for the wait. Tiffany had a large tumor removed last week and we're still kinda getting back into the normal swing of things.

Apr 11 2012, 09:24 AM
cool..........My hope and thoughts go out to Tif

Apr 17 2012, 01:31 PM
Sign ups are picking up steadily! Don't miss out!

Apr 18 2012, 08:02 AM
The cleanup efforts to get this course in to "yard of the month" shape are now in full swing, we have a standard of course excellence in preparation, that few other facilities can match... The course layout and variety of fun challenging shots make this venue one of the best kept secrets in the disc golf community. While I admit the challenges and expense to hold an A tier event for my 50th birthday is a somewhat brash and financially foolish way to celebrate a birthday, I want to celebrate surviving these years with friends and family and the disc golf community as a whole for allowing me to pursue and live the dream of playing disc golf in my own back yard. I hope that those of you who are able, have the time and means to come and play my little back yard variety disc golf course, its an escape from the norm... for your efforts, you get a chance to win a share of up to $10,000.00 cash, your own custom made disc golf prison jersey, and a conjugal visit or two... sign up soon, check out the reviews on dg course review, come play Shawshank, I'll beat you with a ROC! Thanks Steve, D.

Apr 18 2012, 10:57 AM
"I'll beat you with a ROC!"
D'oh! I hate it when that happens!

Happy 50th Steve! Welcome to the club.

Apr 23 2012, 10:04 PM
We are spending every weekend we have left plus all the evening hours possible to finish the final preparations for this event May 5th and 6th. For those of you who have never played here before, you will be in for a pleasant surprise! For those of you who have previously done time here at Shawshank, you will like the changes and improvements we have made to the course. Please check out photos on my facebook page to view some wonderful shots of the holes at Shawshank. Hope to see you here in May! Thank you for all the support you give when you come play our backyard variety disc golf course!

Apr 25 2012, 08:06 AM
best way to add the 2800.00 cash to the payout of each div. I favor letting first second and third have all the added cash, any better Ideas?

Apr 27 2012, 02:51 AM
best way to add the 2800.00 cash to the payout of each div. I favor letting first second and third have all the added cash, any better Ideas?

I'd rather see it filtered down & pay-out deeper into the field.

Apr 28 2012, 08:34 AM
needs a deeper field then...

Apr 29 2012, 07:45 PM
My entry is going to post office mailbox tonight Steve. I kept thinking I'd be running into ya at one of the events around here, but haven't.

I've been talking about it and looking forward to it for months now. I can't seem to get some of my "usual suspects" to join me in stint, but regardless, I'm in.

See ya soon.


Apr 30 2012, 08:45 AM
I wanted to thank all those who signed up early for this event, I don't have the time to go out to other tournaments and play as I have been trying to get the course ready for this event. The amount of trees lost to the draught was truly amazing, then our main lawn mower was out for the month of March... all is now fixed and we have been working nonstop every weekend and early mornings and evenings to get the course ready. will be leaving here shortly to get to more mulch and then be spreading it this evening. last minute trimming, boundaries marked and tee signs set and proper distances with new magnets made are all thats left to do. Have people who have never been to Shawshank coming out and signing up on the spot regardless of rating just for the chance to play this course in a tournament! We will welcome all players regardless of rating and will offer a plastic instead of cash payout for those who don't wish to risk their AM status. Every one gets a custom official Texas prison inmate jersey with your name and P.D.G.A. number on the back. This course is also designed for spectators to follow along and watch the fun as players navigate some of the most beautiful and creative disc golf shots anywhere in Texas! Read the reviews, come out and play, or just come witness the fun, Shawshank! find me guilty...

May 02 2012, 05:23 PM
Online registration for the Shawshank Pro H.E.I.S.T. ends tonight at 8:00 pm.
GO TO: http://www.fullcontactdiscgolf.com/

Shawshank Pro H.E.I.S.T.


Email This Item To A Friend

ShawShank Invitational
May 5th & 6th
PDGA Sanctioned A-Tier

80 Players
3 Rounds of 20 Holes
Final Round of 10 Holes

Men's Pro Open $90
Men's Pro Master $90
Men's Pro Grandmaster $90
Women's Pro Open $90
Women's Pro Master $90
Women's Pro Grandmaster $90

Green Fees $10
PDGA Fees $4

Lunch Saturday $10
Lunch Sunday $10
Ace Pot $5

Players recieve a Custom Shirt!! Click here to select your size and add it to your cart!!

For More info call 281.682.9446

May 03 2012, 05:59 AM
Players will be allowed to walk up and register up till 8:30 am Sat. We will be serving biscuits and gravy Sat. and Sunday morning 7:00am till all gone... also juice and fresh coffee. lunch will be onsite both days with a variety of sub style sandwiches, salads and such with homemade desserts. players meeting is at 8:30 am Sat.

Questions please call 281-682-9446, if no answer, call again, I am out on the golf course working. Thanks Steve.

we will welcome players to sign up

May 03 2012, 03:35 PM
Players will be allowed to walk up and register up till 8:30 am Sat. We will be serving biscuits and gravy Sat. and Sunday morning 7:00am till all gone... also juice and fresh coffee. lunch will be onsite both days with a variety of sub style sandwiches, salads and such with homemade desserts. players meeting is at 8:30 am Sat.

...and let me tell you folks, mom DuFrane knows how to make some desserts!!! My mouth is waterin' just thinking about it.

I can't wait.

BTW Steve is there a schedule posted up somewhere? I'm thinking that I'll be driving to/from home so I'll need to know what time to there.

May 04 2012, 01:04 AM
Schedule of Events for the PRO H.E.I.S.T. Weekend:

8:00 am Course Open for Practice
3:00 pm 23 Standard Holes Best Shot Doubles $20/Team

7:00am til 8:30am Player Check In/Late Registration
8:40 am Player’s Meeting
9:00 am Round 1 -- 20 Hard Holes
12:30pm Lunch
2:00 pm Round 2 -- 20 More Holes
5:30 pm Southern Star Patio Social

9:00 am Round 3 -- 20 Holes Again
12:30pm Lunch
1:30 pm Tee Time Final 10 -- Top 4 Each Division
5:00pm Payout, Release, Freedom!!

May 05 2012, 01:16 AM
See everyone in the morning.

May 07 2012, 03:00 PM

May 07 2012, 07:35 PM
Many thanks to all of the hard work done by all of the volunteers and staff at ShawShank!

The course looks better and better every time I get to play it and I thoroughly enjoyed my rounds out there this weekend.

Steve, thanks to you for hosting this event, and to your parents and wonderful family for turning out in force to cook us great meals and wonderful desserts! There can't be a better themed course in all of the US! I meant to leave behind my prison jersey and a bar of soap. Ha!

China Lizard

May 08 2012, 07:10 PM
Was great to hear Tiff's good news at TWDGC and see her competing again at Shawshank. :-)

May 08 2012, 09:07 PM
Gotta Love 2 person divisions!

So who actually won open?

May 09 2012, 09:08 AM
Brad hit his birdie on #6 for the play-off win.