Apr 15 2011, 04:01 PM
Hypothetical situation:

Adam, Barry, Carlo and Dean are playing on a card together. Approaching hole 4, the tee order is A, B, C, D.

Adam steps to the tee box, and throws his disc into OB. He knows the disc is out of bounds, and announces that he will exercise the "Optional Rethrow" rule.

Does Adam immediately throw his rethrow, or does he wait for Barry, Carlo and Dean to tee off, then throw his rethrow?

Apr 15 2011, 04:12 PM
...and I'm also dumb for not putting this post in the "Rules Discussion" forum.

Apr 15 2011, 04:21 PM
Doesn't matter. Normally the group would continue throwing in order and the player would shoot after they were done. If the group agrees to let the player throw right away then that can be done.

Apr 15 2011, 10:50 PM
BUTTTTTTT.... common sense dictates that the player SHOULD wait for the other players to make their FIRST throw, before they make their SECOND throw.

I will always ask - and did so at US Masters - that you wait to throw your second shot until everyone else has thrown thier first shot. (The day before in the silly modified doubles thing, you HAD to throw right away when you missed the island - which a couple of players tried to carry forward to the real Event unsuccesfully - at least on my card :) )

Apr 15 2011, 11:06 PM
I think 801.02(C) would imply that all players should tee off before any player takes a second throw. But like Chuck said, it doesn't really matter, unless it matters to someone in the group, and then just do what the majority think is right.

How do they do it at the USDGC on those o.b. island holes?