Jul 08 2010, 07:08 PM
Palm Desert Disc Golf Club is holding our 2nd annual Sky High Fling up near Lake Hemet this Saturday. The temp course uses 18 DGA portable baskets and meanders through a nice evergreen valley with some challenging holes. We'll be doing 2 rounds of 18 with prizes for the winners, and CTP. A Google map and directions can be found on our website: We would like to see you out there if you can make it.

Here is a link to the Google Map:

Jul 08 2010, 08:13 PM
Please, please, please post these things with more lead time! Glad to see that something's happening near Hemet. Have fun!

Jul 09 2010, 12:28 PM
will this event ever be held when it is LESS than 90 degrees out?

Jul 09 2010, 05:37 PM
Sorry we didn't get this out sooner, but the date got moved up because one of our club members is moving and he really wanted to play this course/event before he goes.

We try and have this event during the summer as a way of getting out of the heat - 90 degrees is cool for us desert discers haha! I believe the course is up at abo. 4,000 feet, so it's ~20 degrees cooler than Palm Desert + there are huge evergreen trees to take refuge under. Bring plenty of H20 and an easy up if you have one.

We will mark the dirt road leading back to the course - hope to see you out there!

Jul 10 2010, 02:44 AM
Please keep me on your list for early notification before the next time you guys play there. I love that stretch of countryside - I always enjoy driving through there on the way to Idylwild. Might be a little rumbly up there this weekend, after the 5.4 on Wednesday.