Apr 09 2009, 12:45 PM
Can someone please tell me what the "official" height for a basket is? (from the ground to the Bottom of the tray)...Thx

Apr 09 2009, 12:51 PM
Manufacturers are asked to produce the targets so the basket rim would be between 76-90cm above the ground with normal installation, but at least being level is desired.

See page 6 (

However, there's yet to be a formal course design guideline for the height range as actually installed.

Apr 09 2009, 03:12 PM
especially with the trend of basket elevation. I even know one course that has a basket placement in a ditch.

Apr 09 2009, 03:30 PM
That is a pretty wide range...Thx Chuck.

Apr 09 2009, 04:46 PM
The size that should be regulated much tighter (and is in the new specs) is the size of hte opening for our "real target" between the bottom of the chain supports and the top of the basket rim.

Apr 09 2009, 07:07 PM
and that size is...


Apr 09 2009, 11:03 PM
read the tech specs on the link provided. it has everything.

Apr 10 2009, 12:33 PM
Hey Chuck, maybe you can post a link to that nifty diagram that showed targets in various positions, like on a slope or in a hole, that showed which positions were allowed and which ones were not because of the distance between the (bottom of the?) basket and the ground.

Apr 10 2009, 12:41 PM
Of course, this was with the specs prior to Feb 1, 2009:

Basket Placements NOT Allowed (*zqC9vCk0an9QKAnUodRYo5E*Nsq7dYyogjDOnlBpFYLLT Q6nLKeiiHMhax5RQ6EVA27qvDLZODPJTTLy0p7qh9fRhgb/BasketPlacementsNOTAllowed.jpg)
Basket Placements Allowed (*zqC9vAAslDGy79U2LdC7GNKJSlm535*heyBVwzEwM2r1F utNXsIy4K7AXMxfp7U*B1aXcs4HJ8IZ2i*-wlxDNYznATS/BasketPlacementsAllowed.jpg)

Apr 10 2009, 01:00 PM

What doesn't apply anymore? Doesn't the "H" in your diagram correspond to "P." in the spec?

Apr 10 2009, 01:10 PM
Yes. However, notice the change in the wording for measurement P:
"P. Basket - Rim Height above grade (as produced)"
In the old spec, the (as produced) was not there which implied that the targets had to be installed with the basket rim in the height range as the manufacturer produced them. Not the case now. The Course Committee will be proposing what the installation height guide should recommend.

Apr 11 2009, 10:24 AM
Yes. However, notice the change in the wording for measurement P:
"P. Basket - Rim Height above grade (as produced)"
In the old spec, the (as produced) was not there which implied that the targets had to be installed with the basket rim in the height range as the manufacturer produced them. Not the case now. The Course Committee will be proposing what the installation height guide should recommend.

Let me see if understand correctly. It seems you are saying that the tech standards (former and recent) have no real bearing on target height installation, especially since the words "as produced" have been added to remove any possible implications? Right?

My next question is about the statement, " <u>The Course Committee will be proposing what the installation height guide should recommend.</u>"

<u> The Course Committee </u> (who is the Course Committe and what do they do?)

<u>will be proposing </u> (when? and to who?)

<u>what the installation height guide </u> (what is an installation height guide?)

<u>should recommend. </u>

I've seen the (nifty) drawing before --- and understand the difference between the two types. It's just that I'm not seeing anything that currently makes them approved or not approved.

Ron Pittman

Apr 11 2009, 01:25 PM
48cm Min to 54cm Max
This is the distance allowed for the "Target Zone"

76cm Min to 88cm Max
This is the "Basket Rim Height above grade (as produced)"

Apr 12 2009, 10:30 AM
Bob, I got that. Easy to find. The tech standards (both old and new) have always answered the question posed in this thread --------What is standard height ? 82" +/- 6" Got that.

It seems what we are really asking is ---- Can a target be installed at a height higher or lower than the Tech Standards indicate and still be legal/approved?

I say (whether you and I like it or not) - Yep. And if you are into nuances, the words "as produced" now included in the tech standards seems to separate the requirements for manufacture and installation. Let me say it this way -- There are no current requirements for target height. We may see some "guidelines" in the future --- just guessing.

You might also note Chuck's use of the words "prior to Feb. 2009" as he noted the Allowed and Not Allowed pictures and his use of the words "not the case now" as he clarified those measurments.

IMO, the target height installation discussion is a book still being written. As a sport, we are seeing all kinds of unique target placement by designers. Gonna' be fun to see how it all shakes out.


Apr 12 2009, 10:41 AM
PDGA Course Committee: Kennedy, Monroe, Wallis, Doyle, Houck, Lyksett &amp; Gentry (who are also members of the DGCD) plus Stork and Gillis as Board liaisons. The plan is to have any new course guidelines proposed for Board approval probably at the Fall Summit meeting. The basket height proposal is the primary issue. However, improving the guideline for how courses should be marked prior to events is another issue, especially in dealing with OB. A pretty complete course prep guideline is already included in the How to Run PDGA event doc (