Jul 25 2008, 11:58 AM
Let's see. We have a United States Championship and a World Championship (or two). The United States Championship is open to players from around the world, while the World Championship is overwhelmingly played by United States citizens.

Not to be confused with a National Tour championship.

We have top-ranked players and top-rated players. We have points leaders, and NT points leaders. Not to mention leading money winners.

Most of which crown leaders or champions in a dozen or so different divisions.

Which is far from the end of the list of championships available. I counted 84 sanctioned events last year which deemed themselves "championships" of some sort or another. Most of which could crown about 2 dozen champions, if they had participants in all available divisions. Then there are state point series and regional point series, and PDGA points leaders by state.

Nothing wrong with all of this, of course.

Except that I'm in my 13th year and have been eligible for about 10,000 championships now, of one sort or another, and so far can't call myself "champion" of anything, unless there's a category for irrelevant posts. But with so many available, perhaps there's still hope for me.

Jul 25 2008, 12:07 PM
You are the Earl Wood Classic Champ!

Jul 25 2008, 12:20 PM
It's a tournament win (at long last)---but not a "championship" tournament win. I've failed multiple times in the South Carolina Disc Golf Championships and the South Carolina Flying Disc Championsips (yes, they're separate). So I'm not a "champion"---just a "Classic".

Jul 25 2008, 04:40 PM
I too hate the word Championship.

In fact I hate all words.

words suck.

Aug 02 2008, 01:37 AM
It's a tournament win (at long last)---but not a "championship" tournament win. I've failed multiple times in the South Carolina Disc Golf Championships and the South Carolina Flying Disc Championsips (yes, they're separate). So I'm not a "champion"---just a "Classic".

its ok Sauls... Champions only last a year a best... something Classic is forever!

Aug 02 2008, 04:03 AM
uhhh... stack, actually 'something classic' is a local catering company

Aug 02 2008, 04:51 AM
and how long have they been in business?! ;)

shouldnt you be in bed!?

Aug 03 2008, 01:04 AM
Winning these championships is not all you might think it is. I've won five state championships and I'm not even good at the game. I've won a women's national championship and I'm not a woman!

Aug 03 2008, 11:03 AM
I've won a women's national championship and I'm not a woman!

Hey, as long as you keep your weekend and weekday lives separate, I'm fine with it! ;)

Aug 07 2008, 03:12 PM
I was once crowned "Champion of the Universe" - but the TD wouldn't give me the trophy - cuz he was mad he got beat on his home course :)