Jul 16 2008, 12:07 AM
is there a driver or midrange that works better for long downhill drives (300 ft +)? would a light disc work better or a heavier one so it carries the momentum longer?

Jul 16 2008, 12:42 AM
On the 900+ foot Hole 3 at AmNationals/Toboggan I was using a max weight Star XCaliber, released on a decent hyzer. It bombed.

Jul 16 2008, 12:44 AM
If it's a good slope, even a less-powerful thrower can easily throw three bills with a Roc or Buzzz. This is a pretty open ended question because I need something as fast as an Eagle to throw 300, where as there are jerks out there that can do that with an aviar.

Jul 16 2008, 01:02 AM
get a cobra.Old dx (hard) or champion

Jul 16 2008, 04:22 AM
i've tried a dx destroyer and a avenger ss to name a couple of discs. i am not sure if i should use something with more glide or something that i can throw and hard to drive down the hill. i would like to throw it out to the right and let fade back in towards the middle. but the there is a tree in that flight path fairly close.

Jul 16 2008, 08:49 AM
I find that the more stable a driver or mid range the better it is for a long downhill drive.

Stable=down hill
understable=up hill

Jul 16 2008, 11:57 AM
See, you say 300+ but thats a very wide range.

500+ foot hole down a severe decline I'll launch an XCaliber and watch it bomb.
400+ foot hole down a severe decline I'll toss a Cryztal Buzzz and glide it.
300+ foot hole down a severe decline I'll flip a D Zone and let it fall.

Jul 16 2008, 02:12 PM
it isn't a severe incline, maybe close to a 30 degree angle if you look at that way. i would think an Xcaliber would start to fade by then.

Jul 16 2008, 03:00 PM
Rule of thumb is downhill use more stable than normal.
Speed + gravity = more flip.

Use choose the disc you feel will work for you, but keep that rule in mind.

Jul 16 2008, 04:48 PM
For extreme downhill, I've found that beat Rocs and Comets work best. Very steep downhill holes over 500' and such.

For the more modest 300'-500' downhill holes, I usually use a putter depending on the steepness of the slope.

Jul 16 2008, 04:51 PM
Rule of thumb is downhill use more stable than normal.

This is backwards depending on the length and slope of the hole.

Jul 16 2008, 05:50 PM
gwillam is right. you need a disc to control the fade at the end... when throwing a disc down hill, a driver will usually lift and fade much harder off the line you started with than a midrange. Or turn over and not come back for you, The roc is my weapon of choice.

Jul 17 2008, 12:19 AM
my expieriance says throw a midrange stable disc but not overstable

Jul 17 2008, 01:11 AM
i got a monarch today and will try it out on that hill soon. i have been using a beat in star teerex and a dx destroyer on a similiar hill on another course.

Jul 17 2008, 09:36 AM
I see you are from UT! I was going to use hole 18 at Solitude as an example, but I figured that no one would know what I was talking about. :)

Jul 17 2008, 10:30 AM
Depending on the length/slope of the downhill, I'll throw a Wizard (consistent to ~360'), a CE Classic Roc (consistent to ~430' -- these just slowly float forever), and anything past that I'll try a driver, but WHICH driver to pick is very dependent on the exact terrain, the wind, the risk with the surrounding terrain, etc...

Jul 17 2008, 11:14 AM
Rule of thumb is downhill use more stable than normal.

This is backwards depending on the length and slope of the hole.

I think you may be right as I don't get too much elevation in Florida or Georgia. For these parts my way works pretty good. But I can see your point.

Jul 17 2008, 04:10 PM
When I throw downhill, I try to go for a touch more stability in my disc as compared to if I were throwing the same shot on flat ground. And when throwing uphill, I choose a less stable disc for this shot.

Jul 17 2008, 06:06 PM
Rule of thumb is downhill use more stable than normal.

This is backwards depending on the length and slope of the hole.

I think you may be right as I don't get too much elevation in Florida or Georgia. For these parts my way works pretty good. But I can see your point.

I think the disparity in our explanations comes from greatly differing holes. I'm referring to SERIOUS elevation drop. like a 500' hole that drops 200' in elevation. I'm guessing that the holes you are referring to are only dropping maybe 40' of elevation at most, which is still an awesome downhill hole. In which case the disc needed isn't nearly as definitive, whatever you're most comfortable with would work.

For instance on a 430' hole with 30' of elevation drop, I can literally use any disc in my bag and get there with no problem. Choosing the disc and the style of throw is up to me, but isn't necessarily the accepted standard for such shot any more than a flat level 330' shot is a standardized Roc shot.

Correct me if my assumptions are off.

Jul 17 2008, 10:04 PM
Heavy Tee Bird - new, used or beat - depending on the situational elements

Jul 18 2008, 02:55 AM
i have a heavy star teebird that i could use. i also thought about using a pro starfire or star SL.

Jul 18 2008, 03:52 PM
I think you are exactly correct that we are talking about two completely different holes.

I actually based mine on the old Brooksville, FL course (the Canyon). They have some shots that drop about 100 to 130 feet. That is by far the most elevation I have ever played.

Now I am also somewhat biased, because I cant throw a Roc to save my life. I throw Buzzz's but still not quite the same thing. I usually will opt for a sharp edge over a blunt edge, I feel I have more control. So I guess I am saying that is what works for me, certainly will not work for everyone.

Ex: we have a 240 foot hole on our course that almost all players throw a mid or a putter at, I opt for my Pro Destroyer, I fell more comfortable with it, I can drop it anywhere I want between 200-400 feet.

Jul 20 2008, 08:20 PM
star roadrunner best downhill driver i ever seen, for people with an average arm.

Jul 21 2008, 09:40 AM

Lyle O Ross
Jul 23 2008, 03:13 PM
Wouldn't it depend on the hole? Some holes are suited to a midrange, others aren't. Hole 16 at Tom Bass takes a very over stable driver or you're going to flip it (there is almost always a wind in your face on this hole). Others have the wind at your back and a floater that catches the wind will run a long way.

I'm not sure there is a good answer to this question except, go play the hole and see what works!

Jul 23 2008, 11:19 PM
i did have some success with a star SL this past weekend.

Aug 01 2008, 05:34 PM
Look at the consequences of an errant throw on a 900ft hole (150-200ft drop) with each option:

Driver: If the nose is slightly up, you will stall and fall far right. If the nose is slightly down or you torque the disc then you will be sitting way right. You are now sitting 450+ ft off to the side of the pin. On a hilly course, this could be even worse as the disc continues to glide sideways down the hill.

Midrange: Release it on a line with lots of spin. Disc speed is not critical, gravity will carry the disc down the hill. A midrange will also fade, just not as much as a driver

Putter: Same as the midrange with even less fade. A great choice if you can put enough snap on the disc (so it keeps spinning all the way).