Mar 21 2007, 04:02 PM
So, I'm working on a promotional piece for my league / club. I got to thinking, is there any other club / league that has been in existance for as long as us? Please let me know... I'd hate to make the claim as being the oldest running league in the country if it wasn't true.

NRDG (Niagara Region Disc Golf) (
Founded in 1989, by Doug Opiela in Memorial of his brother Don.
I've been assisting / running the league since 1992.
We meet every Wednesday from April - September. (24 weeks).
Average attendance over the last 3 years is 60.5 players.

Thanks for your input..

-Scott Alex #9257

Mar 21 2007, 04:13 PM
Average attendance over the last 3 years is 60.5 players.


Mar 21 2007, 04:36 PM
The Minnesota Frisbee Association is the oldest statewide club founded in 1975 and the Minnesota Summer event series started in the late 70s. (

But I don't think we have a league that is still running that started before 1992.

Mar 22 2007, 11:33 AM
So, I'm working on a promotional piece for my league / club. I got to thinking, is there any other club / league that has been in existance for as long as us? Please let me know... I'd hate to make the claim as being the oldest running league in the country if it wasn't true.

NRDG (Niagara Region Disc Golf) (
Founded in 1989, by Doug Opiela in Memorial of his brother Don.
I've been assisting / running the league since 1992.
We meet every Wednesday from April - September. (24 weeks).
Average attendance over the last 3 years is 60.5 players.

Thanks for your input..

-Scott Alex #9257

Hey Scott,

The following two DFW (Texas) clubs were established prior to 1989:

Arlington Disc Golf Association (established 1988)
Irving Disc Golf Association (established late 70's or early 80's)
I believe Dallas Disc Golf (formerly named Dallas Disc Golf Association) has been active since the mid-1980's, too.

Prior to these three clubs was the North Texas Disc Golf Association, however, that particular organization disbanded around 1989.

NRDG may very well be one of the oldest running clubs in the Northeast region, however.

Mar 22 2007, 01:19 PM
The De LaVeaga disc golf bluc ( has been in existence since 1985 and was the first to establish itself as a 501.C3 not-for-profit club. We've been running large monthlies since then. I wouldn't say that it's a league though. It's not in a format where we keep track of points and such for each season.

Stan Pratt (
Team DGA

Mar 22 2007, 06:27 PM
The Shoals Frisbee Club in Florence,AL is celebrating its 25th Year in existance, created in 1983.

btw, Florence, Al is birthplace of disc golf in the south ;) and the 1st ever state championship was held here at the University of North Alabama. (still longest running)

Mar 23 2007, 04:33 PM
Ok.. So what I am hearing is that while not the oldest club, we certainly have the oldest running league. Our attendance is amazing. Last year, we filled up two nights (72 players). One of those we had to turn 6 people away (I hated doing that).

However, we have one of the top 5 oldest clubs inthe country. And, most likely the oldest in the North East.

Pretty cool. I'm really enjoying finding out about these older clubs. It's good to know the history of DG in different regions.

- Scott #9257

Mar 23 2007, 07:33 PM
Ok.. So what I am hearing is that while not the oldest club, we certainly have the oldest running league. Our attendance is amazing.

Not correct. Both the Arlington Disc Golf Association (TX) and the Irving Disc Sports Association (TX) have been running weekly leagues, year round, since the formation of the two clubs. Your league may very well be one of the oldest in the Northeast region, however. One thing is for one can argue the historical success of your club. Your attendance is amazing. :)

Mar 24 2007, 04:39 PM
RADL has been running for a very long time, but I do not know the specifics. Kirk Yoo would prolly know the answer

Mar 25 2007, 10:10 PM
the RADL club stamp is the ONLY stamp to ever wear out at the innova factory

Mar 26 2007, 11:02 AM
The die has worn out 2 times now to my knowledge. We are currently on the third die after having so many discs stamped.

Apr 05 2007, 11:03 PM
If i recall correctly the PERU disc golf club(indiana) was started in 1983. It was started by a guy named Mike Maverick (3038)ALLEN PIER (2931).There were about 8 guys who started playing at honey bear hollow.Formally known as koa campgrounds.Most old timers know about the PERU disc golf club.they can verify this statement.

Jul 12 2007, 10:47 PM
a league here in the metro detroit area has been running since 1982. another league (the motor city chain gang) draws on average 70some players a week with the highest one week total being over 90.

Jul 13 2007, 02:03 PM
the RADL club stamp is the ONLY stamp to ever wear out at the innova factory

I have a double stamped stingray mold with 1 aviar stamp and 1 RADL (snake?) stamp from the early-mid 1990's. No stingray stamp....just aviar and RADL. Very strange, and probably very Rare.

Jul 19 2007, 02:10 AM
I have a trophy for low average in a league dated summer of 1981 from Hazelwood Mo. ( man I wish I would have gotten my pdga number than !!)
I would have to talk to Bob Waidmann to find out for sure, but I know that wasnt my first league.
I'm thinking that spring of 1980 and as far as I know the league has existed every year since. In fact I think there has been 3 leagues a year since ( spring summer and fall)

Anyone got that beat?

Jul 19 2007, 01:08 PM
average 60 players for a weekly league!!!! Now thats something to BRag about....Keep rockin!!!

Jul 20 2007, 05:34 PM
1977- The Grateful Disc Frisbee Club is registered by Wham-O 's International Frisbee Association

League started that year along with the Grateful Disc Spring Frisbee Festival...there were only 4 members at the time and only those 4 attended the tourney which was held on Colorado State University's campus

Nov 29 2007, 10:50 AM
RADL has been running for a very long time, but I do not know the specifics. Kirk Yoo would prolly know the answer

Since 1983