Feb 08 2007, 08:41 PM
Hello tribe,

Am getting into the latter stages of working a course proposal through our city government, and have been requested to submit a customized set of rules to be used in the course sign and printed materials.

Thus, if you have one that you have used at your local course would you please send me a file of it at [email protected] or pm me. There is certainly no need to re-invent the wheel, just to contextualize it.

Our course: 9-hole "high-end" pitch and putt course in historic and very beautiful Ford Park, Redlands, CA. Old trees, elevation changes, ponds, parking and bathrooms. Multi-use park, we will be playing around the perimeter in under-utilized areas.

Process is going quite nicely; have received unanimous recommendations from both our Parks and Recreation Commissions, and will be presenting the final plan to our City Council in mid-March. We have gotten great input from Tim Selinske, Jeff LaGrassa and others.

Looking forward to your responses,
Bill Maury-Holmes

Feb 08 2007, 08:55 PM
I believe if you look at the center section of this page, it's what the DGA has on their rules sign if you don't want to buy theirs and make your own. (

Feb 08 2007, 09:17 PM
Thank you Chuck for the link. I do have both DGA's and Innova's already. I am most interested in what local customizations have been made around the country/world from what would be considered the basics.

Feb 09 2007, 03:00 PM
Hi Bill -- Here is what we are using for the new course in San Francisco. Feel free to steal any/all of it.

How To Play Disc Golf

Disc Golf is played like traditional golf. Make your first throw from the tee area. Throw again from where your disc comes to rest, allowing players farthest from the basket to throw first. Keep throwing until your disc comes to rest in the basket. Count one stroke for each throw.

Marx Meadow and the major paths are out-of-bounds. One major
path runs along the north side of holes #3, 4, and 5. Another major path runs along holes #14/15 and #17/18. If your disc lands on or across any out-of-bounds area, make your next throw from the last place your disc was in-bounds -- and add a one-stroke penalty.

Mandatories require your disc to pass on the correct side of a designated tree. There are mandatories on holes #7, 14, 16, and 18. If your disc passes on the wrong side of the mandatory, make your next throw from the drop zone near the mandatory -- and add a one-stroke penalty.

* Respect the park and other park users
* Pedestrians always have the right-of-way
* Make sure the fairway is clear before you throw
* Stay still and quiet when other players throw
* Do not damage the plants or trees
* Stay on the defined paths
* Use the trash cans for litter
* No more than four players per hole

This beautiful disc golf course is funded, installed and maintained by the volunteers of the San Francisco Disc Golf Club under the guidance of the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department. For information about Club membership, clinics, discs and tournaments, please visit (