Jan 15 2007, 12:50 AM
Attention Disc golfers ~

I'm TDing my first tournament in a couple weeks at the historic Rutgers disc golf course (Rutgers Ice Bowl.) I want this to be a enormously successful event, and I'm biting off much more than I can chew (and for those who've seen/met me..that's A LOT to bite/chew)..but I still ask for favors..

I'm going to run an auction to try to raise money for our charity (Franklin Township Foodbank.) If you have anything of value to donate (frisbee/disc related, or even un-wanted holiday gifts) please consider donating them to our tournament. I want this event to be both memorable and most importantly beneficial to our local charity, so if you can do something, please do it.

Please email me at [email protected] or PM me if you can help my/our cause..Thank you in advance.

Best Regards...

- doot

Feb 02 2007, 11:42 AM
I'm proud to announce the Rutgers Ice Bowl has gathered $910 plus 153 pounds of food to Benefit the Franklin Township Foodbank. Both the Mulligan purchases and Auction were huge successes, gathering more than half of the total amount..

The success of this tournament would not have been possible without the generosity and support of many people. You all know who you are, but I want to personally thank each of you: Harry Brown, Steve Caffery, Craig Cutler, Max DeVane, Mark Fortin, BOB Graham, Innova Disc Golf, Juliana Korver, Matt LaCourte, Maureen McErlean, John McGinley, Karl Molitoris, Bill Newman, Jay and Des Reading, Dave Roach, Brian Schweberger, Erick Simonds, Derek Sonderfan, Alan Sweeton, Andrew Sweeton the "Usual Suspects", and Bob Ziadie. Also thank you to the players who bid generously on the auction items and who were willing to shell out extra bucks for mulligans..

Congrats to Mark Lyons for scoring an ACE on Hole 6 A-tee in the 2nd Round!

Final Standings were follows (First Round Singles - B-Tees on all ODD holes, A-Tees on EVEN Holes; Second Round Polar Doubles - B-Tees on all the EVEN holes, A-Tees on all the ODD holes ):

Matt LaCourte 45 43 88
Bob Graham 46 43 89
Josh Polur 47 43 90
Greg Shepherd 48 45 93
Derek Sonderfan 48 45 93
Max DeVane 53 42 95
Tim Eland 47 49 96
Harry Brown 57 43 100

Erick Simonds 50 40 90
Carey Holleran 50 43 93
Karl Molitoris 51 43 94
Mike Razzano 52 43 95
Alan Sweeton 52 44 96
Mark Lyons 53 43 96
Harry Bethray 54 42 96
Bob Ziadie 50 47 97
Mike Dovell 54 44 98
Mike Purkis 58 40 98
Mike Laterreur 51 48 99
Dave Grossman 53 48 101
Roger Killey 56 46 102

John McGinley 52 42 94 * - won playoff
Andrew Baxter 52 42 94
Vinni Coticelli 52 43 95
David Roach 52 46 98
Frederick Doot 55 43 98
Jitter Tomsich 57 43 100
Conrad Armodt 53 48 101
Wayne Long 59 45 104
Dave Melzer 59 45 104
Steve Caffery 57 48 105
Miguel Garces 58 47 105
Rob Emerson 63 43 106
Michael Soto 60 49 109
John Birkrem 70 43 113

Hope Zelinski 65 43 108
Elaine Abel & Kit (2nd round doubles) 65

Partners in the 2nd round were as follows:

Elaine Abel/Kit

Again, this would not have been possible without people to who donated food, CTPs, Auction items, and helped me with various tasks, decisions, and tournament accessories.

By most accounts the event went quite smoothly, but I owe it all the folks above for helping. Thank you!!

Warm Regards,

Frederick Doot

Feb 02 2007, 01:52 PM
Sounds like a greeat time, glad i could help.

Feb 02 2007, 08:04 PM
You sure did! I gotts the schwebby signed disc for a fourth of a Franklyn. It's awesome! I woulda paid plenty more, HAHA!

On a ttangent, Guess who's signed disc went for the MOST money?

Feb 03 2007, 09:14 AM

Feb 03 2007, 07:14 PM
I did get outbid on the star rhino with both Des' and Jay's sigs on it. Cool item BTW. Certainly a prize catch. But that one didn't raise the most.

hint, It wasn't an Innova sponsored player. But I think he would like to day...

Feb 05 2007, 11:35 AM
Was it my CD? ;)

Feb 05 2007, 11:37 PM
No, but that is a great disc.

See Derek Sonderfan, LIVE at the JERSEY JAM!
Tee with Derek Sonderfan, if you play as well as he does.
Be Derek Sonderfan, if you DARE!

Feb 06 2007, 03:01 PM
So what disc did raise the most $$ ?? Let the cat out of the bag.... :D

Feb 06 2007, 03:14 PM
So what disc did raise the most $$ ?? Let the cat out of the bag.... :D

I know that it was a Limited Edition Sentinel MF...

Feb 08 2007, 07:06 PM
Bigs knows, It was a BOB Graham signed LE sentinal. This is a rare find. There's only a handful of discs with this sig on the front...