Jun 06 2006, 11:02 AM
Thought I would post it here that I am trying to start a Women's League in Lansing at Grand Woods Park on Mondays at 6pm. I have some discs I will be giving away as some kind of prizes, and some of the local guys have also chipped in with some donations. At first the league will be free to play in hopes of bringing more women out to play and learn. Later on, we'll see about charging. But for now, it's free. PM me if you have any questions!!!

Jun 19 2006, 06:14 PM
Hey there Erin...

The next time I'm in Lansing....You know I'm coming to your league....Have a great day doll...

Cathy...a.k.a...KK ;)

Jun 19 2006, 06:48 PM
Well Thanks! :) I'm not there tonight because I'm pretty sick:( Lauren has been sick for a couple weeks now and it finally caught up with me.

Jun 19 2006, 06:50 PM
Well Thanks Kate! I'm not there tonight because I'm pretty sick:( Lauren has been sick for a couple weeks now and it finally caught up with me.

Jun 19 2006, 10:16 PM
Sorry to hear that you're sick....Hurry up and get better so you can put those boys in their place next week...Later Dollface...KK :D<font color="orange"> </font>

Sep 11 2006, 04:23 PM
Just an update on the Lansing Women's League...this is the last night we will be having it on Mondays. We are going to be switching Women's League to Saturdays, starting September 23rd. (not having it next week due to the Am Classic at Grand Woods park)

It will be Saturdays at 1:30pm. Cost is still free to play with CTP prizes given each week to each player level group. Best shot doubles, and I try to pair up each team as evenly as possible even though no prizes are given for scores. We usually rotate each week between courses. PM me if you're interested in playing and I can give you more details as to which park we will be playing at.

Sep 21 2006, 02:15 PM
I won't be able to play this Saturday because I am going to see a show so Women's League will be Sunday at 5pm on the 23rd. Also, the following weekend, some of us are going to USWDGC so there will be no women's league that weekend either. So Starting October 7th it will be Saturdays at 1:30pm. We are playing at Grand Woods on the 7th and may be alternating between there and Fitzgerald Park, and maybe even Jbird's house. PM me if you want to come so I can let you know where we will be playing!

Oct 06 2006, 10:24 AM
haha ok it's set in stone this time...most of our players couldn't play on

October 8th, at Grand Woods Park at 4pm.
We will be alternating between GW and Fitzgerald park....any questions, please ask me!

Oct 09 2006, 11:29 AM
Yikes...yes we are women and can't make up our minds, but it was really hard to see last night with the sun in our we have decided to move up the time to NOON on Sundays. Next week we will still play at Grand Woods @ NOON! Anyone interested should PM me for more info or just show up!

JenJen! You should bring your crew out to Grand Woods next Sunday! We had a blast last night, Karolyn hit hole 9's pole and then my drive hit the dirt right under it, might of hit it but we weren't sure, then my drive on 11 hit the pole of the basket. There were tons of sweet shots to watch last night.

Mar 21 2007, 11:38 AM
I am happy and excited to announce Lansing's Women's League is back on Starting April 2nd! For the first 2-3 weeks we will be starting at 5pm at Grand Woods Park, Monday nights! This is just to insure we have enough daylight time! Monday, April 9th, we will be having a little meeting afterwards to discuss possible league fees, prizes, and any other ideas anyone has! Females of ALL skill levels welcome!

Apr 07 2007, 10:19 AM
Monday April 9th at DeWitt at 5:30pm We will be having a short meeitng at the Classic Pub (right next to the park) afterwards!

Apr 25 2007, 03:56 PM
For Loco at the Mills, May 6th at Hudson Mills:
Local 101 DGPU will be adding $20 cash to the FPO pro purse for every FPO entry we receive, up to $100.

This event is less than an hour from Lansing. I know Sarah's in, so bring out 4 ladies and there will be $100 added. We will use standard PDGA pay tables, and the $100 will be distributed down the line fairly, so 2nd and hopefully 3rd place (depending on turnout) will get a chunk of the added ca$h.

Apr 25 2007, 04:14 PM
Just a FWIW, we had a pro women's field of eight at IOS #1. We always have a lot of trophy-only players in pro women and one to three in for full. Lombard's Madison Meadows is a fun, well groomed course, kind of like a longer Firefighters, with some elevation and two water holes. It is the kind of course you can play in shorts and not get shredded by any nasty schule. Flush toilets, too. :cool:

Apr 25 2007, 04:22 PM
For Loco at the Mills, May 6th at Hudson Mills:
Local 101 DGPU will be adding $20 cash to the FPO pro purse for every FPO entry we receive, up to $100.

This event is less than an hour from Lansing. I know Sarah's in, so bring out 4 ladies and there will be $100 added. We will use standard PDGA pay tables, and the $100 will be distributed down the line fairly, so 2nd and hopefully 3rd place (depending on turnout) will get a chunk of the added ca$h.

Erin? Think you'll make it out?

Apr 27 2007, 03:30 PM
It's possible I might make it. I'm working on seeing if my sister in Ann Arbor will watch LittleO while we play. :) I will check with Jonna and Karolyn too.

Apr 27 2007, 03:41 PM
Sweet! We would love to have 5 ladies out and add the full $100 to the purse. And I don't have exact numbers, but all the cashing spots in FPO will be benefited by the added cash.
Thanks for getting the word out, Erin.

Apr 27 2007, 10:21 PM
Nice I really hope I make it. Dan and I both want to play bad! :) I will keep you updated if I am going to make it, haven't talked to my sister yet...

May 08 2007, 09:31 AM
Any women, even those of you NOT from Lansing, are welcome to come play our leagues at any time! We've got about 14 or more different girls playing! We had 11 show up last night!

May 13 2007, 11:46 PM
Hello Erin
Thought I would visit your thread and start spreading the word well in advance. My Women's only event, the Femillz Open is on August 18th. Last year I had 22 Girls and spread over $6000.00 of merch to those few ladies. I am hoping to double the number of ladies this year. I will post entry fees after the DGLO and probably set up pre-reg at that point.

Hope to see you and all your league ladies at this event.
William Gilbert
TD for Femillz

May 17 2007, 03:54 PM
Yeah we're having our women's only event June 16th at Grand Woods...B Tier event...send your girls my way and we'll all come your way for the Femillz Open! :)

May 22 2007, 01:18 PM
Lansing women's league officially has a club name finally! It is Capital City Crushers WDGC (women's disc golf club)!

Jul 31 2007, 11:11 AM
How's the club going, Erin?

Aug 06 2007, 10:52 AM
Pretty good! I've got about 20+ players, and usually an average of 8-12 (once in a while more) each Monday night. I've been injured so I haven't actually played leagues in over a month! Tonight is my first night back to women's league to play and will be my first full round in a month! :) How is yours going?? We finally got our logo so once we get it on some discs I'm gonna donate a couple your way to give out at your league!

Aug 06 2007, 12:24 PM
I have one lady already signed-up, and a few more that are promising. This weekend I'll be puting up the flyers so i'm hoping to get a few more that way. We'll be starting up in about a month or so...on Tuesday nights. I'm excited. I'm going to talk to one of our pros, too, to see if he'll give a clinic one night. Congrats on the new logo - I can't wait to see it!

Aug 06 2007, 02:02 PM
That's awesome that you have one and a few interested and you haven't even put up a flyer yet! Way to go! A clinic is a great idea. You should also chime in on the clinic, even if you're not a pro. Most women do throw differently than men and any advice you can give them will help as well!

Sep 25 2007, 11:19 AM
Capital City Crushers Women's League is being switched to Sundays at 1pm due to daylight. Any female is welcome to come play! First Sunday league is going to held on October 7th at Grand Woods. The 14th is the league party at noon at Fitzgerald Park. We will be grilling and then playing a round of RIPT.

Next year we will most likely introduce a small fee so we can get some cool stuff with our logo on them! I am going to be ordering some discs or mini's with our logo on them this fall/winter!

Mar 25 2009, 11:54 AM
2009 Trip C's Schedule!


April 13 - Grand Woods
April 20 - Grand Woods
April 27 - Fitzgerald Park (last chance to pay one time $25 fee)
May 4 - Dewitt (MEETING after leagues at Rookies, ALL WELCOME!)
May 11 - Private Course (St. Johns)
May 18 - Grand Woods
May 25 - Memorial Day, no leagues
June 1- Dewitt (MEETING after leagues at Rookies, ALL WELCOME!)
June 8 - Private Course (St. Johns)
June 15 - Charlotte
June 22 - Fitzgerald Park
June 29 - Dewitt
July 6 - Private Course (St. Johns)
July 13 - Grand Woods
July 20 - Fitzgerald Park
July 27 - MSU (tentative)
August 3 - Private Course (St. Johns)
August 10 - Dewitt (MEETING after leagues at Rookies, ALL WELCOME)
August 17 - Grand Woods
August 24 - Fitzgerald Park
End of Season league party date TBA

There will be a NEW fee of $2/wk OR a one time $25 fee for the season. If you choose to pay the one time $25 fee, it must be paid by the start of leagues on the 3rd week; that is April 27th! ALSO if you choose to pay the one time fee, you will also get a $10 disc of your choice. There will also be CTP's each week just like last year.

my email is [email protected]

May 13 2009, 08:18 PM
The Lansing area women are about to blow up the disc golf scene! I had 20 women show up this past Monday at leagues and I barely knew how to handle it! haha! It's so amazing to see so many new faces this year and so far I believe we have about 25-28 members this early in the year!