Sep 07 2005, 07:55 PM
for the last 3 years I have sat by and watched the "masters", with what I feel are arrogant, elitist attitudes berate the little man who only wants to put a little dye on their disc...

that crap stops today.... from this point on, ANYONE who wants to put a little dye on their disc will now have the knowledge....

the amature artist who wants to dye his own stuff needs a thread where likeminded people are willing to share their knowlege and give a little help.... after all.... is this not what this forum is all about... well... this is their thread... the cat is out of the bag and all the "masters" can take their elitist, arrogant attitudes somewhere else.....

The dye you need to dye discs can be found at this link (

You will want the PROsperse Disperse Dyes
You will also need the PRO Dye Carrier NSC to mix with the dye

I find the art on the internet, print, resize and tape to the bottom on the disc. First color I do is black. I have found that I get better results if I mix a little blue and/or green in with the black. I have a package of popcycle sticks I use to measure and mix the dye. I will take the stick and get two ro three little scoops on the end of the stick and put it into a very small mixing bowl. I think they might be called single serving custard bowls or something. the amount of powdered dye I get with 3 scoops is about equal to 2 certs breath ments. I will then add about a half scoop of green and a half scoop of blue. If I go with just the black sometimes the dye will have a brown tint when I wash it off. I then use a small one-piece plastic eye dropper I got in a package of 3 at Hobby Lobby to add a little water to the dye. I add just enough to turn the dye to a thick liquid. After that add about the same amount of the PRO Carrier NSC chemical. I dont measure it, I just pour a little bit. mix and paint on with the smallest brush you can buy.

I use a 18/0 spotter brushto trace over the design I have taped to the bottom of the disc. Leave the dye on for anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours. When you rinse it off, use LOTS of flowing water to prevent a shadowing effect as the extra dye washes away. I the dye seems to thick on the disc you can place regular scotch tape over the dye/disc, rub it down good then pull it off. That seems to remove extra dye buildup.

When I fill in color areas of the design I use powdered RIT dye and Acetone. I get the Acetone at Lowe's, it is right next to the cans of paint thinner. I put about 2 to 3 times as much RIT dye in the bowl as I did the other dye. I also add a little more water (it is the colored water you get, not the granuals, that you will be dyeing with). I then use the same eyedropper I use for water to add the Acetone. The acetone evaperates very fast, I sometimes dye the same are twice if I need the color deeper, I will keep the same mix and add more acetone as needed.

To mask off areas to dye I use lots of stuff. If I am going to do a pattern on a disc that is not transparent I will cover the disc in blue painters masking tape ( a little more expensive but it does not leave glue residue on the disc like manila masking tape). I will draw, trace or whaterver my pattern onto the tape then as carfully as you can use an x-acto knife to cut the tape taking care not to dig into the disc with your blade.

For a basic color area I will cover the entire disc with clear hockey tape that can be bought at Play-It-Again-Sports or any hocky rink/shop. I will also stretch the tape around the outer rim of the disc, this keeps the dye from running onto the bottom lip (a pet peeve of mine). The tape is very stretchy and will mould itself to both sides of the edge of the disc. Now take your x-acto knife and very carfully cut the tape away from the area you want to dye. Cut about 1/8 inch back from the area you are working on. What you will do now is use decrative liquid way to paint from the tape right up to your black dye line. I used to get the wax at Hobby Lobby but the do not carry it anymore. They have some stuff that is Liquid Lead for fake stained glass windows that works ok. The problem you will have with that stuff is that it is water soluable and you cannot redye the same area twice sithout touching it up. With the decorative wax I have dyed the same area 4 or more times without any problems. I plan on getting more of the way when I need it online somwhere. The product is Candle DecoPaint made by Uchida Corp of America. They have a website on the product that I have not tried yet, ( You use a small paint brush (not as small as the dye one to paint the wax up to the tape/black dye line. To apply the Rit/Acetone mix I use a half inch wide or larger flat brush. RIT dye can leave streaks so I alway brush from the center of the disc out. Just be aware of the "grain" when you brush this stuff on. You leave this on from 5 to fifteen minutes. To clean the wax off I scrape it with a Plastic spoon then use a grease cutting dish soap. Be careful you dont use too abrasive a pad and scratch the disc. Also you can get pretty creative with this wax stuff as regards to background areas. I use sponges, altered paintbrushes, toothpicks, whatever I think will give a cool effect to the area to mask off parts of areas. One last tip, some dyes dont work as well as others. Flesh colored dye for skin sucks, it is very streaky and grainy. What I will do is place it on a little darker then use a Scott Rags in a box towel that I tip the corner in Acetone to "blend" the dye to a better tone (do this before you remove the wax or you will spread the dye)

thats it

good luck with your discs

Steve Parker - all misspelled words misspelled on purpose...

Sep 07 2005, 08:38 PM
A lot of good tips here. The thread will probably get buried in a week, so I think I'll copy and paste it somewhere useful.

I don't recommend the acetone. It is not necessary and dangerous. If you take some time you can get the same result with the RIT and detergent formulas you see on this and similar threads.

Sep 07 2005, 10:19 PM
i hope this isnt too off topic, but what about hot glue as a mask? i used to dye lacrosse heads all the time, and the coolest ones i did were simple 2-3 coats of rit dye. i would dunk it in a solid color, then when i dried i would make squiggles of hot glue all over it and dunk it in another color, sometimes doing this a couple times with different colors. would the same technique work for discs?

heres a link that shows how to do it....
Splatter dye (

Sep 07 2005, 10:57 PM
yes it would.... but.... that is WAY more trouble than you need to go.... and.... with the dye I posted the link to, the detail you can achieve is only limited by how small a paintbrush you can purchase.... with this method you can actually paint on the disc as you would on a canvas with oil paint, then just rinse it off.... I would love to post a couple of examples of what can be done on a disc, but I do not know how to post a picture to this forum.... I do not dye discs for profit so I am able to spend 8 or more hours on a disc if it is for myself or as a gift to a friend....

ahh... I just noticed you link.... that is one nice stick... that would look AWSOME on a disc also.... so much cleaner than the tie-dye style discs I have seen.... this is not the style that I do, but it looks great and I think I will try it... thanks for posting the instructions...

Sep 07 2005, 11:10 PM
Thanks so much for posting this info.
I'm a sucker & just yesterday paid $5 for crappy instructions off ebay.
It had nothing in the directions that I didn't already know from the original tye-dye thread here at PDGA.
I'm not upset though as it was only $5.

Of course I have questions:
1: If doing an "image" of something you tape underneath.
So you just use a small brush & paint on the outline? You don't mask anything at this point? Will the dye run? Or is the dye supposed to be thick enough that it won't run?
2: After the black is on is that when you mask the entire disc & just cut out the areas that need coloring?
3: Do you use the wax stuff & outline the cutout so it won't run into the black? Then apply the colored dye. Then remove the masking & the wax?

Boy with all that stuff you need to buy I see why they charge what they do for special dye jobs.

Thanks again for the info. Looks like I have a project this weekend.

Sep 07 2005, 11:40 PM
ahh... I just noticed you link.... that is one nice stick... that would look AWSOME on a disc also.... so much cleaner than the tie-dye style discs I have seen.... this is not the style that I do, but it looks great and I think I will try it... thanks for posting the instructions...

there are a whole bunch of different methods of dying Sticks that i think would look awsome on discs, i just wasnt sure if it would work because LAX heads are just nylon (i think) and discs are crazy blends of indestructeble plastics.

THIS ( Is a cool dye job, one of my favorites. its simple but i think could make some aswome tiger type stripes on a disc.

HERE ( Is a index of a few, although i have seen better.

this way of dying may not allow you to be quite as artistic but its an alternative style i have yet to see on a disc, so it is origional.

Sep 07 2005, 11:44 PM
Another good way to mask off your lines without bleeding is vaseline. Cut out your contact paper pattern with an X acto, but do it the OPPOSITE of what you want to dye. Paste it to the disc and put the vaseline on liberally along the edges. Carefully peel off the contact paper without smearing the vaseline. Use a paint brush to brush your dye on thick. Just don't run over the vaseline lines. If you do it right, the dye will not bleed at all Once it dries, rinse it. You can even re apply the dye if necessary and the vaseline will not rinse off. This takes a bit of practice, but if you have a little skill and patience, it works great.

Sep 08 2005, 01:27 AM
Thanks for the Info Steve!! Its always great to see someone looking out for the community, rather than trying to make a quick buck cornering the market. Kudos to you Steve, truely a king amoung men!

Sep 08 2005, 03:48 AM

1. correct... the dye will not run... anyone who trys this companys dye will be amazed at how well it works....

2. no... I leave the area I want to color taped... I cut VERY carefully cuz there is allways some tard who will want to tell you that even the most microscopic scratch you put on the disc will make it illegal... then I cover the area I just removed the blue painters masking tape from with clear hockey tape... the stretchy kind you use for your shinpads, not the cloth kind that you use on your stick....I put this tape about a quarter to an eight of an inch from the blue masking tape... then I use a small paintbrush to paint/push the wax up to the blue tape, after the wax sets I pull the blue tape off, leaving a nice clean line... also I stretch the hockey tape around the rim of the disc before dyeing... one of my pet peaves is seeing dye that has run up under the bottom rim of the disc... I know you cannot see it from the top but I guess Im just particular that way.... now... if you use this companys colored dyes you can just paint them on like you did the black dye... it might tint the black dye a little but you can put scotch tape on it a few time and remove some of the dye (this is after rinsing)... doing this is helpful because it removes some of the dye and keeps the disc from fading as fast... I dont care what anyone days if a disc is dyed it WILL fade/bleed/whatever over the course of a year or so.... faster if you store it in the trunk of your car.... the only reason I use the rit dye/masking method at all is because this pro dye stuff only comes in basic colors.... I need alot of flesh colored dye because I do alot of simi-naked women on my discs...

3. wow... are we to number three allready... yes you can dye over the black...

on another note... I am looking forward to trying vasiline as noted in the post above instead of the wax... I will still paint/push it up against the masking tape... but if it works it will be alot quicker than letting the wax dry... thanks for that tip and all the possitive responses, not sure if I was gonna get flamed or not...

in closeing I am looking forward to learning how to post pictures here so I can show you guys what any one of you can do with this stuff....

Sep 08 2005, 11:27 AM
in closeing I am looking forward to learning how to post pictures here so I can show you guys what any one of you can do with this stuff....

You need to have the pics uploaded to a webserver and then link to it via the <font color="blue"> Image </font> Link in the post options

Sep 08 2005, 11:44 AM
in closeing I am looking forward to learning how to post pictures here so I can show you guys what any one of you can do with this stuff.... ( and ( are free hosting sites. I'm sure there are a lot more out there, but these are popular.

Sep 09 2005, 02:51 AM
1: If doing an "image" of something you tape underneath.
So you just use a small brush & paint on the outline? You don't mask anything at this point? Will the dye run? Or is the dye supposed to be thick enough that it won't run?
2: After the black is on is that�s when you mask the entire disc & just cut out the areas that need coloring?
3: Do you use the wax stuff & outline the cutout so it won't run into the black? Then apply the colored dye. Then remove the masking & the wax?

Here are a few ideas and some tips that I've found that might answer that as well:
If you go with taking the image you want and then tracing it onto the disc itself, what you may do is take a few different color sharpies. Trace the image onto the disc with sharpie. Then remove the original picture on the back of the disc. Mask over the picture on the disc. Then you can use or rig a sort of light box. Basically, just take the disc and put it close to a bright light source. If you are using a regular masking tape, the image will shine through. Take your sharpies again and then trace onto the masking tape. Use a reverse color printing scheme starting from your darkest colors (black, midnight blue, browns) to your lightest in the dyeing process. Sometimes you might run into a problem where one will bleed into the other and not look good. In this case, re-mask the disc, the image is still there in sharpie and you shouldn�t run into problems.
I have to disagree with Steve as to the masking choice. I actually used blue painters tape for a while and it has a tendency to bleed through the tape, especially in the darker colors. I use 3M 2020. Yes, it does leave residue from time to time (and only if you tear it off when wet) but you can pick up a bottle of Goo-gone at the Dollar store and it works great! It�s never bled on me no matter how many colors I�ve put on and it's WAY cheaper.
There�s also a small debate about the effects of bleeding on a disc. Most dyed discs, over time, will lose its sharpness and almost seem blurry. I�ve found that the intensity of the dye, when applied, had a huge effect on how fast and how bad it will blur. Something for people to try but is definitely a bit more risky: Take powdered RIT and mix 1 cup hot water and 1 cup acetone. The hot water shouldn�t be so hot that you can�t put your finger in it. Put it in a Tupperware container that is just bigger than the disc you want to dye. Take the exposed parts you want to dye on the disc and flip it over so the face and exposed parts to dye, is floating directly in the dye solution. The dye is very diluted and so you�ll have to give it a few hours but the bleeding is very very minute. I have a few pro plastic discs, that are notorious for their quick and heavy bleeding, that still look almost perfect like I had just dyed them. WARNINGS ON THIS METHOD! Make sure the water isn�t so hot that it will melt the sticky off the tape. The heat will also help in the dyeing process. This method is a lot messier, so make sure you have the proper working space.
A few other pointers I have to add:
-Try inks and dye pens for shading effects. They don�t come out as strong but you can use that to your advantage
-There�s a thing in most art stores called a bone file. It�s a large smooth object that looks like a file and is used to give an even and precise fold in paper. Use this to make sure the tape is airtight. In my opinion, masking is the most important part of the process and you want to make sure there are no errors going into the dyeing process.
-The gummier the plastic, the more it will bleed but the easier it is to dye.
I�ve thought about trying to put together a list like this and posting it onto my site. This isn�t the first time this thread has come up, it just seems to get buried. Would pictures maybe help people or does this all make sense? Would it be worth it to those not in the know to post it somewhere a bit more permanent? It seems as if people have questions but don�t ask the people that are doing it regularly. I�m not sure of the people that Steve has said he feels have �arrogant, elitist attitudes berate the little man who only wants to put a little dye on their disc...� but I�ve felt that most of the regular dyers have been pretty cool about sharing knowledge. I�ll go on record saying that I�ll also answer any questions or help who I can in becoming successful dyers.
Have fun!


Sep 11 2005, 11:46 PM
I hate to say this, but I'm still pretty confused about the process.
I guess I'm the type that needs pictures along w/ text to fully understand how to do it.
I didn't go & get any supplies this weekend as I'm still confused.
I have a few colors of RIT powder but that's it so far.......

Agitpropagandist: Your dyes are great. Keep up the good work & thanks for sharing.
If anyone could post a tutorial (with pictures) it may help people like me. :D

Sep 12 2005, 02:44 AM
I second the motion on the floor, for pictures and detailed captions to be added to the thread.

Specific reciepes for dye would be great too - like, MEASUREMENTS. I'm sorry, I was never an "artistic" person - definitely a perfectionist, and my OCD will crop up if I try to do this without specifics.

Thanks in advance.


Sep 12 2005, 02:06 PM
Thanks Keith.
Glad I'm not the only one. :D

Sep 12 2005, 03:17 PM
Sounds like there would be time involved with the detail guide. So how much are we going to pay for the time to Apro?

Sep 12 2005, 04:18 PM
I'd pay him for (or anyone) for a GOOD tutorial (with pics).
Already paid $5 for some crappy instruction, what's another $5-$10.

I really want to learn how to do a "quality" dye job but feel that someone will have to hold my hand and walk me through the process :D

Sep 12 2005, 04:53 PM
These may help... DYE KITS!!! (

They dont have pictures in the kits(I may have to do that in the future kits) but I am always here to help anyone who has purchased my kit, I am just an email away.

You may think they are high priced(I think they are a great deal!!!), but you pay for what you get :D Quality DR DYE products!!!

I too have seen that $5 "dye kit" on ebay, trust me when I say that my kit is nothing like that!!! My kits will give anybody the basic skills to dye a disc, with dye already included, and a list and rating system of dyeable plastic!!! I spent over 4 years developing my techniques and recipe, and now anyone who wants to can give it a go. Now, here are all my basic methods and thoughts on disc dyeing all in one easy to use kit!!!

Over the years I have spent 1000's of hours and 1000's of $$ perfecting my methods, and now you too can use my own basic methods!!!

Sep 12 2005, 06:07 PM
I've seen Steve's dyes and they are amazing. His aren't your normal spin type, or grid dies...he has things like a full color Iron Man on his putter. It is just absolutely amazing the things he can do. I would love to see him put together a pictoral step by step tutorial of this too...I have a few ideas I'd like to try!

Sep 12 2005, 06:18 PM
I've played around with dying disc. One thing that wasn't mentioned that a hillbilly like me would not realize is that it works better on white or clear discs. I tried to dye a blue z disc and made a mess.

After reading all the instructions, I believe I'll pay the extra 5 bucks to bye them already dyed.

Sep 12 2005, 06:29 PM
this is the attitude that prompted me to start this thread in the first place....

"I am always here to help anyone who has purchased my kit"

this thread was started so we could have a place to exchange tips and ideas FOR FREE.....

the only tip you will get from DR.Dye for free is - dude, that stuff is copyrighted..... whatever....

Sep 12 2005, 07:32 PM
Steve sorry to dissapoint you :p

OldTyme, said he would pay for good instructions, thats what I am offering.

I dont think I am out of line for my stance on this topic. I have spent countless hours and money doing what I do, why should I just hand it out??? I have talked about my methods with plenty of other dye artists out there, I am pretty sure I even talked to you a few years back. Why the hositility??

If some joe shcmoe that has never dyed a disc before, comes to me and says how do you dye a disc?? You are right I wont help out to much. Not because I am trying to berate the little man who only wants to put a little dye on their disc...
There is just way to much to get into with someone that is starting from scratch, it would take weeks to teach someone everything I know about dyeing discs(my do it yourself kit alone is 15 pages of basic information on how to dye discs!!). I unfortunatly dont have time to do that for the hundreds of emails I have gotten over the years. I do have a day time job ya know, this is not even close to profitable enough to support me and my family. I made my kits for people that dont want to waste their time and money learning what I know. For people that do come asking questions, and are not interested in purchasing my kit knows that I will always refer them to THIS discussion board for tips, so they can read threads like this :D

When I started, do you think anyone helped me??? Hell no!!! I did all the searching and experimenting myself. This is a skilled art that has taken me along time to perfect!!!

Just try for a moment, to see it from my perspective, just because I have a different opinion about this than you doesnt make me arrogant, or have an elitist type attitude. I dont feel that way at all.

Think of it like this....a kid in school studies for weeks to get an 'A' on his final exam, the kid that sat right next to him didnt study at all, that kid copyed off the student that studyed and got the same grade... Is it fair for the student that didnt study get the 'A' just like the kid who studied really hard??? I have worked very very hard with disc dyeing and I am sorry if you think I should just give away my knowledge, I guess we have to just agree to dissagree.

My point is that I have put way to much of my life into disc dyeing just to hand it over to someone. I think anyone that has spent a big chunk of their life into building something wouldnt just hand it over for nothing. If you guys want to discuss disc dyeing that is totaly fine by me, frankly I do not care if you guys discuss this stuff. Who am I to stop you?? I think that anyone who goes out there and tries it will find out of hard getting sweet dye jobs really is!!!

I encourage others to get out there and dye discs :D Keep discussion your ideas!!! I think its great!!! Really :D

But steve, there is no reason for slandering people who have a different opinion, I really dont understand your hostility towards me or others that share my opinion. I dont think we are bad people just because we keep our recipes to ourselves. Does Coca Cola give out their receipe??? Or does Pappa Johns tell Pizza Hut techniques on how to make a better pizza??

Just for the record, I dont use any of the recipes, or techniques that are listed here or on any discussion board/thread. If any other dye artists out there want to discuss there methods good for you, its just not how I feel about it.

Sep 12 2005, 08:47 PM
the only tip you will get from DR.Dye for free is - dude, that stuff is copyrighted..... whatever....

Oh, and how can you get down on a guy for creating original art??? As opposed to copying other artists art??

Sep 12 2005, 09:10 PM
I Have to agree with Dr Dyed. He has the right to keep his secrets, and even if he did choose to share, its nothing that could easily be explained through this forum.

Many people have offered tips, special methods that work. Personally i have never seen such intricate designs as on dr discs website, and maybe its because he has developed somehting different. and if he has, he dosent need to tell us that for us to dye discs. we can learn for what other people have shared, and dye discs like everyone else dyes them.

As much as we would all like to know what he is doing, including myself, he has every right to not want to go through countless lessons teaching us what took him a lifetime to achieve.

Sep 12 2005, 10:50 PM
Right on Doc. Almost reminds me of when a medical doctor is in the public sector and people approach him for free medical advice.

Sep 12 2005, 11:07 PM
I just wanted to chime in and say that I have played with dye. I've died my own discs. I've bought several cool dyes already, from some of the best in the business.

I just wanted to chime in and say that any money you spend on a "Dr Dye" disc is going to be money well spent. Just got my first one, and technique and know how are great things. But sheer artistry is also part of the equation, and you pay the master for masterful works.

My home-make dye, while cool, is a joke compared to his work. It served it's purpose, as I no longer get a ton of jokes about my "sexy pink disc" as it is now tie dyed purple. but having just bought This disc on ebay ( I don't mind paying extra for great work.

The more I learn, the better, but there is always room for an artist.

Sep 13 2005, 12:16 AM
The more I learn, the better, but there is always room for an artist.

well put.

Sep 13 2005, 10:54 AM
Thanks for the props guys :D

Sep 13 2005, 01:56 PM
yes Dr. Dye, you are correct... we exchanged tips a couple of years back....

a couple of years back I made a comment on one of the dye threads.... dont remember my exact comment but it had to do with my being able to dye a disc as well as anyone out there, but that I did not know how to link a photo to the forum... (now 2 - 3 years later I think I can, thanks for the links John)....

Dr. Dye sent me a private message, asking me to email him with a couple pics of my discs attached.... he complimented my work and ask me to tell him what type of dye I was useing.... to be fair to Dr. Dye I do not believe he specificaly said he intended to tell me what type of dye he uses, but I was for sure under the impression that he desired to exchange tips....

I emailed the good Dr. basically the same thing I posted at the top of this thread.... the only tip I recieved in return was a comment telling me I should not use copyrighted material... that is the only beef I have with Dr. Dye... (btw I have had no further private contact with him).....

as far as money spent on "learning the craft"... I myself have spent over a thousand dollars in the pursuit of dyeing discs (my wife will **** sure confirm this ! ) the end.... the link to the dye I use was givin to me... I was getting close to finding the proper type of dye, but I am sure I was still several hundred dollars away.... now... some of you guys want to rip me.... fine.... I got thick skin.... but I do not want anyone.... even you who flame me to have to spend that kind of money to put a little dye on a disc.... the thanks of a few mean more to me than the flames of many....

as far as copyrighted material goes.... I freely admit to takeing a hypacritical stance on the subject.... is the use of copyrighted material wrong.... of course it is.... I have never nor would I ever use copyrighted material for profit.... if I see something I like on the internet and desire to put it on a disc for my personal use or as a gift for a close friend.... I will do so in a heartbeat and not lose a minute of sleep.... is this attitude wrong and the probably illegal... I would have to answer yes and yes.... whatever....

I did not start this thread to get into a flame war with anyone... nor will I let it degenerate into one on my part.... I am pretty sure that this post covers my views on the subject pretty well.... I someone brings up a point I have not previously covered I might respond to it.... but I WILL NOT regurgitate my stance/reasons/excuses/positions/ect. over and over....

now.... to get back to the subject of this thread.... the link below will show one of the discs I dyed useing this method... I do not consider myself an artist persay.... I really believe that anyone who reads my origional post is capable of dyeing discs just as complex as this one..... (

Sep 13 2005, 01:58 PM
not sure if this link is gonna work or not..... (

Sep 13 2005, 02:08 PM
Your posts read like you're using way too much acetone...

Sep 13 2005, 02:12 PM
Your posts read like you're using way too much acetone...

...which can result in Brainwave destruction.

Sep 13 2005, 02:55 PM
yes Bruce.... acetone can be a bad thing for plastic.... if you want to keep the stamp do NOT use acetone.... I only use acetone when I cannot use the nylon dye... for example... I have not been able to find a nylon dye that is flesh colored... all rit dyes do not dye the same... flesh colored rit dyes are terrible as far as consistency goes... I usually have to use a paper towel with acetone to "blend" the dye on the disc... but yes... you are right, I use acetone way more than I would like to...

also... I want to give props to Agitpropagandist.... I really like the way he handles the shading on faces.... ALL dyed discs will fade over time to some extent (left in a trunk under the Texas sun all year round makes them fade faster)... the more dye that is absorbed into the plastic makes them fade more also... while his style is strikeing in its own right, I know his style will look better longer as the disc ages and fades over time.... I am looking forward to trying to dye a few discs using that style (I might even be able to conjure up some original artwork useing that style).... I encourage anyone with asperations of dyeing their own stuff to study his work....

I am especially attracted to his pig woman disc.... not sure what that says about me, but it cant be good....

- all mispelled words mispelled on purpose.....

Sep 13 2005, 03:15 PM
- all mispelled words mispelled on purpose.....

In a pee wee herman "I meant to do that" kinda way?

Sep 13 2005, 04:18 PM
no... in a im to lazy to use a spellcheck kind of way....

if you wish to correct my spelling in red ink and put a grade at the top feel free....

otherwise.... stfu....

Sep 13 2005, 06:41 PM

I'm not to thrilled with the "arrogant" comment that came from you. I have always given info when asked and tried to guide people in the right direction. When people come out with a comment like "arrogant" it just shows they're impatient greedy sob's. If anyone wants to post detailed info here with guides great but don't get pushy and demand it. Remember they are taking time out of there life to do this. Which in my opinion is should not be free.

Everyone should learn to just take the time to research on there own instead of demanding it delivered to there hands on a silver platter. I�m all for additional dyers in disc golf; I love see other dye art out there. Dye it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve I am not attacking you or trying to put you in your spot. If more people asked politely and not so demanding I know information would flow so much better.


Sep 13 2005, 07:08 PM
Josh.... implying that I am a greedy SOB is indeed a personal attack.... read the entire thread and you will see that I have "demanded" nothing of anyone... I started this thread to give, not to demand.... and you know what.... every single one of you that have tried to put me in my place have been the recipient of something along the way that you have not "earned".... thats ok.... I have thick skin... this thread is not for you anyway.... but thanks for the bump.....

it amazes me that someone will flame me for saying that I feel a person is coming across as arrogant, telling me it is wrong to do this... yet in the same post they insinuate that I am coming across as a greedy son of a [I'm a potty-mouth!]....

sounds a bit hypacritical to me.....

Sep 13 2005, 07:26 PM
Hey Steve, i dont mean to flame. I think your discs are great, and it is Great that you offer up things that others can inturn use on their own discs. it shows that you really are a cool guy. but all i was saying before is dr disc does have the right to not tell his secrets. is his work, his choice. and thanks to people like you we dont need his secrets. you offered us an excelent method that we all can use. we dont need dr discs method, so i dont think we need to give him a hard time about it. i didnt mean to make this argument flare up. sorry for any mis understanding.

Sep 13 2005, 07:41 PM
jgarcia9102.... you are 100 percent correct.... this thread was not intended to be devisive or as a forum to flame anyone... to be honest, I guess I deserve more than a little blame for any degeneration of the thread.... while I do believe every word I have posted here.... I was wrong to have posted them.... I apologize to Dr. Dye and any others I have flamed/insulted...

except the guy who compared me to pee wee herman.... him, I should have dumped on more.... :D

Sep 13 2005, 09:30 PM

Again you took it the wrong way. I came across wrong also. I am saying there many of you out there that want the info and trust me I have had hundreds of emails and pm's asking for it. The majority basically wanted every bit of info short of me actually doing the dye work. The majority were arrogant from the start of the question. I apologize if I came across that way. I am just sticking up for my fellow dyers out there. It's very rude and unappreciative when people just expect for us to give them everything. Trust me I have had these conversations already. If anyone wants to pm me or email me with dye questions feel free. I am not on the forum enough, so emails would be the best way to go.


Sep 13 2005, 10:40 PM
Wow. All this over a little dye instruction?

I think I'll go re-read this thread &amp; go buy some of the items listed.
Sit down, re-read the thread &amp; maybe with everything in hand it will start to click. I'm not looking to do those exotic dye jobs, just something simple that will look cool flying in the air.
I have an orange Champion Eagle that will be my first test subject. :D

So thanks again everyone for what you've contributed. You've guys have done some incredible dye jobs &amp; I look forward to stealing your designs. (lol. just kidding)

Sep 13 2005, 10:44 PM
Steve, I really dont take these things to heart :D

One last thought from my end and I will leave you guys to your thread....

No matter what dye instructions/recipe you go out and experiment yourself with it will cost you $$. The reason I made my kits was for ANYONE who would like to learn all the basics to disc dyeing can purchase my kit, dye made, with super easy to use instructions coming from a dye artist that has stood the test of time, with results that you know will work!!! Either you go out and try and make your own recipe and spend $50 on dye/supplies or you buy a pre-made kit ready to start right out of the box!!!

No matter how you go about it I wish anyone who gives disc dyeing a try the best of luck :D

Sep 13 2005, 11:16 PM
I am fine with the thread; no problems here. There is useful info here that can get you started. Read them carefully. I would not use acetone at all; it can damage the disc without you even noticing it. Acetone can break down the plastics pretty easy. There are other ways to remove stamps and/or additive to dye. So be careful. I am only passing on smart factual information. I've got at least 1000 dyed discs under my belt. I have learned from that; and it is still a great learning experience.


Sep 17 2005, 01:06 AM
Wow, I leave for a bit and then all hell breaks loose....
I'll throw in my few cents on this and maybe add some tips and such later.
All the dyers out there that are currently selling dyed discs are doing so because of their love for the sport and their love of art. Period. If you feel the same way, you'll get there. Trust me. It's ultimately not the dye nor the masking methods that people pay for. It's the art. I've been asked to do dyes that are like Dr Dye's and even though I might be able to, I let them know that if they want a Dr Dye-esque dye, they need to go to him. He's done this for years and perfected a type of dye art that people refer to by name! You get what you pay for but there's nothing more rewarding than throwing your own art and people admiring it on the course. I encourage everyone to dye. Seriously. Try it once. If you don't want to put the time and effort into it, you have the services of many talented people on the boards. Make use of it and feed a starving artsist! :D

To Steve... You kicked me into gear and I'm hoping to have up a "getting started" tutorial with pictures and such available on my web site. While I have to agree that you came off a bit aggressive at first, you heart is in the right place. Kudos to you for starting this thread and the kind words about my dye art. The dye you posted is really great! If you ever get a site up of your own stuff, I want to link you on my page. Let me know if that ever happens!

If anyone has any specific questions, please PM me or email me and I'll see what I can't do to help.

Keep up the dyes!

Sep 19 2005, 03:16 PM
All the dyers out there that are currently selling dyed discs are doing so because of their love for the sport and their love of art. Period.

I don't currently sell, or dye discs, but I have dyed and sold well over a thousand discs.

I didn't do it for the love of the game, or for the art.

I did it to make money. :(

Jeff Ash aka The Brainwave Guy

Sep 19 2005, 07:20 PM
All the dyers out there that are currently selling dyed discs are doing so because of their love for the sport and their love of art. Period.

I don't currently sell, or dye discs, but I have dyed and sold well over a thousand discs.

I didn't do it for the love of the game, or for the art.

I did it to make money. :(

Jeff Ash aka The Brainwave Guy

I hate you because you quit before I got one of your dyes. Do you know what a brainwave died CE Firebird is going for on ebay now.... starting bid $40.

I can't afford that.

So, please, start your business up again. Dye me a pro Wraith with that cool brainwave shnit. and then you can quit again.

I'll be awaiting my disc by the mailbox holding my breath :eek:

Sep 19 2005, 07:41 PM
All the dyers out there that are currently selling dyed discs are doing so because of their love for the sport and their love of art. Period.

I don't currently sell, or dye discs, but I have dyed and sold well over a thousand discs.

I didn't do it for the love of the game, or for the art.

I did it to make money. :(

Jeff Ash aka The Brainwave Guy

I hate you because you quit before I got one of your dyes. Do you know what a brainwave died CE Firebird is going for on ebay now.... starting bid $40.

I can't afford that.

So, please, start your business up again. Dye me a pro Wraith with that cool brainwave shnit. and then you can quit again.

I'll be awaiting my disc by the mailbox holding my breath :eek:

Jeff was one of the lucky early few that found a sweet technique that looks awesome and were easy for him to pump out a bunch(I think) :D I tried and tried again to replicate his technique a few years back, with no luck. Cool stuff Jeff!!!

KCLofty, I am sure we will still see his awesome technique on discs again in the future ;)

Sorry for the thread drift :o

Sep 19 2005, 11:38 PM
I figured out how to do a brainwave style dye. Use fairly thick rit dye & tide. Place some in a plate, take the disc and press it top down into the dye then pull the disc up off of the plate. If you don't like the pattern you got stick it in the dye again until you get something you like.

Sep 20 2005, 11:57 AM
Are there any pictures of the "Brainwave Dyes"?

Sep 20 2005, 12:49 PM
I'll have some for you in about a week!!! :D

They are some of the best out there...

Sep 20 2005, 12:51 PM
I figured out how to do a brainwave style dye. Use fairly thick rit dye & tide. Place some in a plate, take the disc and press it top down into the dye then pull the disc up off of the plate. If you don't like the pattern you got stick it in the dye again until you get something you like.

See how easy it is! Not the same dye, but you nailed the technique. So simple. It still takes good technique, practice, dye mixture, plates, etc... but it's not brain surgery. It's just Brainwaves.

Sep 20 2005, 01:12 PM
Jeff was one of the lucky early few that found a sweet technique that looks awesome and were easy for him to pump out a bunch(I think) :D I tried and tried again to replicate his technique a few years back, with no luck. Cool stuff Jeff!!!

KCLofty, I am sure we will still see his awesome technique on discs again in the future ;)

I'm blushing :o:o:o

Lofty praise from a true artist.

Thank you Dr. Dye.

Sep 20 2005, 08:22 PM
Are there dayglo / super bright dyes, like deer hunter orange or other colors that make finding a disc easier, available that will stick to disc plastic ?

Sep 21 2005, 12:08 PM
I figured out how to do a brainwave style dye. Use fairly thick rit dye & tide. Place some in a plate, take the disc and press it top down into the dye then pull the disc up off of the plate. If you don't like the pattern you got stick it in the dye again until you get something you like.

I bet some of you are wondering how I must feel about Rich revealing the "Secret of the Brainwave".
After all, I spent countless hours, tried too many dye mixtures to count, and thousands of dollars on dyes and plastic. Not to mention the time and effort inolved in dyeing the discs and promoting the Brainwave concept.
Well, I'll let you know.
I sent Mr. Koski a PM which basically stated-
"Rich, I'm sitting here laughing as I am imagining people all over the world mixing up Rit dye and liguid soap, pouring it on their dinner plates, and pressing their discs into it."
It was only a matter of time before someone figured it out.
I'm very proud of what I was, and still am, able to do.
I tried to come up with something different- and I did it!
So, now that the cat is out of the bag...
Let's see if anyone can do it better. :D

Sep 22 2005, 05:07 PM
Jeff I have a few CE Firebirds FX's brainwaved by you. I still think you pull the best brainwave dyes out there. My buddy Kempen and I were up at Mid-Nationals. I think Larry shot with you a round or two with you. Keep it going man!!

Sep 22 2005, 05:43 PM
Thanks Josh!
Larry is a great guy. I had fun showing him how NOT to play. :D

Sep 22 2005, 05:45 PM
Can someone post a picture of a brainwave dyed disc? I've never seen one, and all this talk makes me think they must be pretty sweet.

A google search turns up nothing but old ebay pages that are expired.

I'm thinking about trying this soon, so all the help and ideas are VERY much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Sep 22 2005, 06:31 PM
That's what Larry said. hehe

Here is a pic of a Famous Jeff Ash Dye.

Sep 22 2005, 09:36 PM
I have had a similar result by putting dye in a plastic bag. I push all the air out so the plastic clings to the disc. You can push and pinch the plastic to give you different results.

Sep 23 2005, 02:11 PM
I'll have to get a pic of one of my signed firebirds up. It was way too pretty to throw.

Sep 23 2005, 04:35 PM
So I have some dye already mixed up, but it's not quite thick enough. I don't have any rit dye laying around, so would there be a household product, such as laundry soap that I could mix in to make it thicker? it is now is way too runny to use.


Sep 23 2005, 04:42 PM
How about just letting it evaporate a bit? :confused:

Sep 23 2005, 04:55 PM
problem is, it's so wet i can't even come close to trying to's consistancy is just thicker than water :confused: my fault for buying it on ebay about 2 years ago, and being too lazy to just make my own.

Oct 02 2005, 12:14 AM
alright, so I tried it with the runny stuff and it turned out better than expected for a first time...

Oct 02 2005, 01:30 AM
A green disc going camo.. Nice dye job.

Oct 02 2005, 11:00 AM
the one side is real nice, then the other just kinda blurs a bit. im sure its all about the dye. try thickening it up with something. i think i heard laundry detergent works.

Oct 02 2005, 11:42 AM
A green disc going camo.. Nice dye job.

I was hoping the dye would make it a little easier for me to see, since I'm mildly color blind. I don't think it worked though :)

the one side is real nice, then the other just kinda blurs a bit. im sure its all about the dye. try thickening it up with something. i think i heard laundry detergent works.

Since this was a first try, I applied more pressure in some areas than others when pushing the disc on the plate. I will try thickening it for my next attempt. Thank you!

Oct 02 2005, 07:20 PM
well its definatly better than i could do. :D

Oct 03 2005, 03:41 PM
alright, so I tried it with the runny stuff and it turned out better than expected for a first time...

A fine effort!
It looks like you left out a few key steps.
1. After applying the dye you must place the discs in a particle accelerator for at least a half hour.
2. Next you must subject the discs to several seconds in a zero gravity environment.
3. Your final step is to conduct an MRI on each disc to see if there are Brainwaves. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Oct 03 2005, 04:30 PM
alright, so I tried it with the runny stuff and it turned out better than expected for a first time...

A fine effort!
It looks like you left out a few key steps.
1. After applying the dye you must place the discs in a particle accelerator for at least a half hour.
2. Next you must subject the discs to several seconds in a zero gravity environment.
3. Your final step is to conduct an MRI on each disc to see if there are Brainwaves. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Thanx for the tips, but I don't know if I'll be able to do those in the future :confused: College has limited me to only being able to purchase a particle decelerator :Dmuch cheaper, butdoesn't yield the same results.

Oct 03 2005, 04:37 PM
btw, this is kind of off topic, but relates to dyes and this was the most current dye-related thread.

just to give a warning, someone under the username disc.pirate has been ebaying the crappy rit dye method i have posted on my website that he literally copy/pasted word for word. he has set it buy it now for $3-5 range.

i have sent a cease/desist email. the guy even had the nerve to put "CANNOT REDISTRIBUTE" on it.

Oct 03 2005, 04:45 PM
Thank you Blake! I bought mine off ebay about 4 years ago, so someone probably will end up buying this one as well...

Oct 03 2005, 05:43 PM
Yes. If you go back to page 1 that was the instructions I bought for $5.
I viewed the .DOC he sent & compared it too your website & you are 100% correct in saying he copied it word for word.

I am so glad you brought this to my attention. I just filed a complaint with paypal to get my money refunded.

If I were you Blake I would send an email to EBAY, not the seller.
I haven't left him feedback yet. I should leave him a negative but am afraid of getting retaliatory feedback left.
What I AM going to do is go back through the list of people who have bought the instructions & advise them to file a complaint with ebay also. This is crappidity crap crap.

Oct 03 2005, 06:38 PM
i was waiting to email ebay until after he replied/lack of reply.

i'm not too worried about it overall and i don't wish to ruin anyone or their ebay ratings, but the whole thing kind of irks me.

Oct 04 2005, 12:16 AM
Even if you're not, I am (since I paid $5 for something that should of been free, that's 1/2 a disc, lol)
Now I knew why the instructions he sent me were instructions I was already aware of. I just never put 2 & 2 together to remembered where I read it from. I've read so much info on the subject I forget where & when I read things from......
If it matters I have filed with paypal & sent the last 15 people who bought them an email advising them to do the same. Already got 2 replies from people who are taking action.
I feel I was ripped off. I know it's only $5 but he's not worthy of any of it.

Oct 04 2005, 11:50 PM
well, after a couple of emails, the person has done a complete overhaul on the dye method he is selling and it is significantly different from anything that has been posted on my site, although it could easily be pieced together by reading the dye techniques people have had me post... although this time it is legit and not a blatant display of plagiarism.

Oct 05 2005, 12:43 AM
I forgot I has said I was going to post this brainwave disc.

Oct 05 2005, 03:13 AM
I forgot I has said I was going to post this brainwave disc.

Yeah.... Can I have that? :eek:

Oct 05 2005, 09:19 AM
Anyone know of how to make white dye? I use rit for my other colors, but they don't make white.

Thanx in advance

Oct 05 2005, 10:39 AM
Hi Gary! (or anyone)
Can you get this picture up?
It keeps bringing me back here... :confused:

Edit- If you copy and paste this URL-
onto your address bar you can see the disc.
I am officially un-retired! :D

Oct 05 2005, 11:51 AM
Could that be mine????!!!!


Oct 05 2005, 11:51 AM (
(click it for larger image)

Also. Jeff, did you know someone's using your name in one of their ebay auctions. You're famous.... (or infamous) :D ebay link ( meZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

Oct 05 2005, 11:55 AM
Hi Gary! (or anyone)
Can you get this picture up?
It keeps bringing me back here... :confused:

Edit- If you copy and paste this URL-
onto your address bar you can see the disc.
I am officially un-retired! :D

We're happy you're back!!!

Oct 05 2005, 12:21 PM
can anyone post the image here via ?

Oct 05 2005, 12:29 PM
What image? The picture of Jeffs wraith? I already did ^^ :D

Oct 05 2005, 12:31 PM
Also. Jeff, did you know someone's using your name in one of their ebay auctions. You're famous.... (or infamous)

Definately infamous! :D

Oct 05 2005, 12:42 PM
What image? The picture of Jeffs wraith? I already did ^^ :D

Many corporations block free pic sites... definitely is not blocked, so for all of us corporate slaves, we have to wait until we get home to see this pics...

centx is awesome!!! thanks jsims

Oct 05 2005, 05:00 PM
Anyone know of how to make white dye? I use rit for my other colors, but they don't make white.

I've been getting the same response to this question for 25 years...*[I'm a potty-mouth]*. :o

Oct 05 2005, 05:56 PM
I wonder if there just isn't such a thing, or if people are holding out?

Oct 05 2005, 06:07 PM

"There is no such thing as white dye, because dye is transparent, and can only add to the color of the object you are dyeing, never make it lighter."

But maybe that only applies to cloth.

Oct 05 2005, 06:09 PM
ZINC is a transparent, white pigment, so WTFreak?!? :confused:

Oct 05 2005, 06:55 PM
I know that I have never found a way to make a disc white/lighter than the original color. You must start with a white disc if you want white, in my experience.

Oct 05 2005, 07:13 PM
Alright, thanx guys. I was more wanting the white dye for lightening some colors that i have, such as black add white to make grey. I didn't really think it'd be possible to turn a dark disc white, although that'd be exceptionally cool.

Oct 06 2005, 10:32 AM
There are also dyes with metallic pigments that can lighten a darker dye.

Oct 06 2005, 10:50 AM
can you tell me where I would be able to find the metallic dyes?

Oct 06 2005, 12:05 PM
Here are some clues... Metallic Pigments and Inks (

Oct 10 2005, 01:50 AM
What about using Rit Dye. What would you use if you are using rit dye. And how do you make the cool designs on discs? I should read through all of this, but there is 10 pages to read. Right now I am using rit dye and flour and water mixed to get a glue like paste. It dyes fine, other htan its not bright. How do i dye cool dyes is my main question i guess. I can dye like logos (Packers logo) easily.

Oct 12 2005, 12:32 AM
Anyone know how to make cool designs?

Oct 12 2005, 11:31 AM
its all about masking off the areas you dont want to dye. just read back in the thread. there are at least a million ways to do it, and even a million more ways to screw up.

Oct 14 2005, 11:54 PM
The Jim Morrison thing is hard as heck to dye. I still have no figured out a GREAT way to do cool designs and stuff.

Oct 15 2005, 02:10 PM
I'm using a basic dye (which I think refers to it's acidity?). I'm having trouble making it stick to the plastic well. It rinses off without sinking in. Do I need to mix it stronger or something ? I just mixed it with hot water.


Oct 15 2005, 10:58 PM
Setting the dye itself is a bit much. To just do it straight takes anywhere between 12 to 24 hours to set. you can mix it with acetone or laundry detergent for a quicker set.

Oct 16 2005, 06:51 PM
Here's a couple of new masking techniques I just discovered this rainy morning I'm still using rit fabric dye and got tired of carving out stencils to only destroy them when i peeled them off so i used krylon fusion i'm sure any paint would do then removed it with laquer thinner which worked pretty good but this ones the kicker and everyone of you has got one I have to experiment a little further but I drew on a disc with a sharpie marker and it worked dyed it then took the marker off with acetone worth a try I almost fell over when I took it off

Oct 16 2005, 11:43 PM
I am begining to hate dyeing plastic. Is there an easy way to cut out designs?

Oct 18 2005, 05:26 PM
I am begining to hate dyeing plastic. Is there an easy way to cut out designs?

Yeah. Make good friends with someone who owns a vinyl sign shop. :cool:

Oct 19 2005, 09:57 PM
I'm using a basic dye (which I think refers to it's acidity?). I'm having trouble making it stick to the plastic well. It rinses off without sinking in. Do I need to mix it stronger or something ? I just mixed it with hot water.


bcary.... Maybe this will help you and some of this I'm sure is posted already. I mix one pack of Rit dye with just enough acetone I think I may need for what I'm doing. This keeps the color strong and allows me to use the same dye for a couple of dye jobs (I keep the same mixture in a glass jar WITH THE TOP ON to keep it from drying out).
I have never used tape. I always use Elmers glue to keep the dye off parts I want to keep natural (or another color). It gives very crisp lines but it is time consuming b/c you have to put glue on, wait for it to dry, apply dye (I usually leave the color on over night, or at least for several hours), then rinse. Then repeat the process for other colors. It's not that much work but it does take time applying the glue and waiting for it to dry. I don't do this for money, just mine and close friends so time really isn't a factor.
How to apply the dye I'm still working on that. Paint brushes tend to leave streaks. I've been using my airbrush to get the best results. I will attempt to attach a picture but not sure if it will work as I am new to this board.
Good luck.

Oct 20 2005, 02:44 PM
I can't seem to prevent the mix from being I just being impatient, or do I need a mortar/pestle, or what? :confused:

Oct 20 2005, 03:04 PM
Vinegar is the answer to all of the World's problems. It can also help with some of the stuff we're talking about here. :D

Oct 20 2005, 03:10 PM
...white, wine, malt...? :confused:

Oct 20 2005, 03:24 PM
It seems to help certain dyes set better.
If you get it hot, not boiling, and then add your dye powder/granules/pellets/crystals/flakes/molecules/morsels/particles it may help them dissolve.
I'm not an expert, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night. :D

Oct 20 2005, 03:30 PM
Hmmmmmmm, I do seem to recall the smell of vinegar from 'way back, when I used to dye, um, Spring Break Eggs.

Oct 20 2005, 05:03 PM
I can't seem to prevent the mix from being I just being impatient, or do I need a mortar/pestle, or what? :confused:

I don't think the grit disolves from the Rit dye. I mix it with acetone. What you can do to get them out is after you add the acetone (or whatever you mix the dye with) use a piece of cheese cloth (or similar cloth) to strain the dye mixture. I have to do this in order to use this mixture in my airbrush. Works pretty good.

Oct 20 2005, 05:38 PM

Use leather dye from a shoe store. It sets immediately. Within minutes the disc is dry and ready to be thrown. The colors are super bright and last forever. Save yourself some hassles and give it a try. Its very cheap also.

Oct 20 2005, 09:46 PM
So mix the dye with vinegar instead of water (or possible carcinogen acetone) ? Or part water part vinegar ?

And then spread or paint it on ?

Oct 21 2005, 12:30 AM

Use leather dye from a shoe store. It sets immediately. Within minutes the disc is dry and ready to be thrown. The colors are super bright and last forever. Save yourself some hassles and give it a try. Its very cheap also.

Does leather dye come in different colors?

Oct 27 2005, 11:00 PM
And what the heck is leather dye?!?!?

Oct 27 2005, 11:32 PM
It is dye for leather. They sell it at shoe stores. I'll have to test it on a junk disc.

Oct 28 2005, 03:21 AM
Please let us know how it goes with the leather dye. I'm unable to test it for myself right now, but I am curious.

Oct 31 2005, 11:43 AM
I bought some samples three years ago from these folks.
Pylam Products (
Their dyes are great! Brilliant colors that really stick.
I don't use it for Brainwave purposes, but it works great for most any other dye use. They sold me a sample pack of assorted colors. You have to mix the powder/crystals with a liquid. It's a bit expensive, but a little goes a long way.

Nov 01 2005, 05:57 PM
Does anyone have any tips for applying a mask?

I've been printing my design out on contact paper (the printer *really* hates contact paper and it doesn't work that well). Then I cut the design out and *try* to apply the sticker to the disc. This is the hardest part, getting the sticker on just right is next to impossible for a larger design and I usually end up with little wrinkles in the sticker and get bleeding from these spots.

Any suggestions for an easier way to apply the sticker would be greatly appreciated!

Nov 03 2005, 10:44 AM
None of us are dyeing discs.
Technically, we are staining them. :eek:

Nov 07 2005, 12:15 AM
Throughout the season various people have asked me to do special dyes and I have not gotten to all of them. I was just too busy dying discs for my own tournaments and doing trophy discs for the IOSeries and for a couple of other tournaments.

If you were on that list of disappointed dyed disc desirers, I have a little more time now.

Jan 17 2006, 02:40 PM
Has anyone had luck with the worm dye?

Jan 17 2006, 03:18 PM
I find that the fish go for natural colored worms just as much as they go for the dyed worms. Also, the worms say the dye itches.

Jan 17 2006, 03:36 PM
Good to see the haves helping the have nots.

Jan 17 2006, 04:33 PM
Has anyone had luck with the worm dye?

It's makes for a strong dye.
I've used it by itself, and I've mixed it with other substances.
I've used it for making rings on the outside of discs, for stemcils and patterns, etc...
Lots of colors.
DON"T SPILL IT!!! That stuff will stick to Teflon :D

Jan 17 2006, 06:19 PM
Worm dye is thin and will run. Set time is very fast, and it produces pretty good colors. I personally dont like messing around with stuff that you have to keep the area you are working in ventilated.

I think bruce is right too, the worms do say it makes them itch :)

Jan 18 2006, 10:38 AM
I goofed around with it last night, I think there is some potential on stenciled designs, the airbrush spits it out like no other, when a really good idea strikes me I will color one up and post some pics, any ideas on (other substances) that might thicken it up a little without effecting the brightness? I was thinking liquid detergant to make kind of a gel application. Thoughts?

Jan 18 2006, 10:41 AM
BTW Jeff, I want a refund on the powerball I bought, Doc talked me into it, and it is a paperweight. :cool:

Jan 18 2006, 10:48 AM
any ideas on (other substances) that might thicken it up a little without effecting the brightness? I was thinking liquid detergant to make kind of a gel application. Thoughts?

Have you tried sodium algenate?

Powerballs make excellent paperweights! :D

Jan 18 2006, 10:55 AM
A good choice as an emulsifier, I was looking for something with a little assistance as a wetting agent too, I have had better than expected results with other surfactants, I am just wondering if the liguid would give me the results I am looking for? In addition it would make clean up a one step process :D

Jan 18 2006, 11:16 AM
i noticed the link you gave has worm dye "garlic scent" and worm dye "big game fish" scent. can humans smell those scents? i am thinking of getting some to make a green disc less difficult to find...

also, which scent makes discs fly farther? :eek:

Jan 18 2006, 11:22 AM
the smell washes off with the dried dye. I got the garlic, and it is potenik for sure. :cool:

Jan 18 2006, 11:25 AM
also, which scent makes discs fly farther? :eek:

50 scent /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 18 2006, 11:33 AM
i wish they had a "chains" scent :D

would 2 oz. do for a few discs, or does it go fast?
also, where did you find that carries this stuff? thanks.

Jan 18 2006, 11:38 AM
I got Spike it brand at cabellas. Since there is one within 50 miles I drove up paid 3.69 per bottle, and I would guess one bottle will do several discs, I bought like 6 colors, and stenciled designs or painted on will be the most likely route for me, the stuff is very thin, and it runs fast. if you get it do not try to pour it, use a pippette or an eye dropper for sure, Jeff is right do not spill this stuff. It dries lightning fast.

Jan 20 2006, 10:49 AM
do not buy the Spike it brand dye, it is more like paint, washes off with soap... I will post when I find a new dye that actually sticks.

Jan 20 2006, 11:00 AM
All I want to do is dye my white DX RAM pink. I figure all I have to do is let it soak in a red dye for a while, since dx doesn't hold the color very well, it should come out pink, right?
Your opinions are pre-appreciated

Jan 20 2006, 11:06 AM
DX is almost impervious to dye. If you use a RIT and detergent formulation like you've seen posted all over the internet, and let it sit three or four days, you can probably get a pastel pink.

Jan 20 2006, 11:31 AM
Pastell pink ram would be sweet.

I just got some hot pink (wow are they pink) champion starfires (did I mention they are almost blindingly pink) :eek:

Jan 20 2006, 11:51 AM
I just got some hot pink (wow are they pink) champion starfires (did I mention they are almost blindingly pink) :eek:

Heck, they're almost glistening.............! :eek: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :p

Jan 20 2006, 11:54 AM
I just got some hot pink (wow are they pink) champion starfires (did I mention they are almost blindingly pink) :eek:

Heck, they're almost glistening.............! :eek: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :p

Oh yea and it is one of my sick little pleasures to throw a pink disc a loooooooong way past my opponents shot.

Jan 20 2006, 12:09 PM
Bagger. :eek:

Jan 28 2006, 11:08 AM
Oh yea and it is one of my sick little pleasures to throw a pink disc a loooooooong way past my opponents shot.

Thats what I"m talking about!!!! Everyone's so concerned with how manly a disc is and I"ll pull out a frickin pinky and roach it 450! I love it. Love IT!

I'm working on an all pink bag:

2X 175 pink orc
175 pink CFR star wraith
180 pink star stingray
174 pink ch teebird
175 pink Qjls
175 pink ch gator
180 pink dyed ch roc
180 pink bottom stamped roc
176 pink dyed glow roc
175 pink ch spider
174 dyed pink proline rhyno
175 dyed pink Qmega
173 pink chief putter

I'm 6'8", 250lbs and throw about 450'+


all i need is a pinky ram and my mission will be complete!

Jan 28 2006, 11:53 AM
what are you the freakin Pink Panther? :eek:

do you carry a hot pink Revolution bag?

sounds like you enjoy making 'macho' guys bow to the power of pink. that's funny, keep up the good work! :D

Jan 28 2006, 12:31 PM
I got the bug by purchasing my first pink orc and drawing the pac-man "pinky" on it with a just snowballed after that.

Plus, with pink being a non-naturally occuring color, it's always easy to find your disc....**** those carnation patches!

Feb 17 2006, 10:09 AM
For those of you who like taking off the stamp before dying the disc, the Star plastic cleans up just as easily as the Champion. I have a couple of Stars dying right now that I'm putting star patterns on. I'll post when they are done and I get a chance to photograph them.

Feb 17 2006, 03:09 PM
I have had the chance now to dye some Star plastic, I did 10-20 with some spinart and I have done a couple custom designs for myself. The colors turn out really nice and vibriant on the white star discs. I have the couple custom dyed ones sitting in my bag to see how they will look in 1-6 months, to see how fast the dye will continue "soaking" into the plastic. For dyeing purposes, I sure hope the plastic holds the designs in place like most of the champion plastic seems to!!! After I am done doing my tests on this plastic I will update my DR DYE's List and Rating System of Dyeable Plastic along with a few other plastics, gotta keep it up to date :D

Let me know how your turn out Bruce!!

Feb 17 2006, 09:52 PM
I posted pictures here: Star Dyed Stars (,2237.from1140226186/topicseen.html#msg30516) That plastic sucked up dye like Elite X so its going to bleed like Elite X. I'd be happy to be wrong. Anyhting I do that does not sell immediately I'll keep in the freezer so it will stay fresh! :D

Feb 19 2006, 02:47 AM
I think the star line dyes great. I didn't have any bleeding problems when dying besides some colors mixing. Pretty clean to me.

Here is a star teebird.

Mar 16 2006, 04:57 PM
Are any of you seeing bleeding in the star yet?

Dec 03 2006, 03:43 PM
When I said bleeding, I was talking about the dye over time in the plastic, not the dye bleeding under the masking. My lack of clarity. Star bleeds for anyone.

The star bleeds like Pro plastic or X plastic. It gets fuzzy pretty quickly. I'm not doing anything time consuming on Star plastic because it results in a very temporary design that does not seem worth a premium price.

Recently I've been doing geometric patterns styled after what Dr. Dye does. I'm not e-baying any of this. You can see one on this thread:

Equipment Topic Area, Dr. Dye Rip-off thread (,897.msg39664.html#msg39664)

Dec 04 2006, 12:52 AM
do not buy the Spike it brand dye, it is more like paint, washes off with soap... I will post when I find a new dye that actually sticks.

Spike it makes acetone based dyes and something that's more like nail polish. I don't remember how they distinguish the two but they do make dye.