Jul 15 2005, 11:27 AM
I just got a Birdie Bag for my birthday and I'm wondering how people store it in your disc golf bags. It seems like it would be messy so do you keep it in the little baggie that it came in, devote a pocket to it or what? Does it make a big mess or does it just look like it will at first?


Jul 15 2005, 11:31 AM
I keep mine in a Ziploc bag. No mess that way.

Jul 15 2005, 02:03 PM
Is a birdie bag just like talcm powder or one of those things that Bowlers use alot? Or is it specifically something for DG?

Sounds like a good idea, with the humidity in KC I am usually dripping in sweat.

Jul 15 2005, 02:42 PM
Yeah, I keep mine in the bag it came in and store it in the back pocket of my DG bag. I would think whatever pocket you put it in would get real messy otherwise. I don't use mine much, but earlier this year I was playing league in the rain, and it helped a ton.

Jul 16 2005, 10:31 AM
I live in CO, and because it's [usually] dry here, I don't have to use mine often. However, a few weeks ago, I took a trip back to MO, St. Louis area, and it was so dang hot and humid, I had to use the Birdie Bag on pratically every shot ... so much sweat I could swim in it.
Glad to be back in CO now, lol. But I would highly recommend the Birdie bag for those of you who play in humid climates.

Jul 16 2005, 03:13 PM
You want to keep it in some sort of plastic bag. You can just keep it in the bag it came in, my hands are rather large so a slightly bigger ziplock bag may work better.
The reason for keeping in a bag (even while applying to hands) is to preserve the fine sawdust. If you take the birdie bag out while using the sawdust will fall to the ground or onto your clothes and will need replacing much sooner. I personally am a big fan of the birdie bag, especially when used just prior to putting.