May 22 2005, 07:05 PM
I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but I'm sure the MOD will put it in it's proper place if not. :)
Hello all. I am starting up a new company that is taking dyed discs to a new level. It's called Discology. If you've ever wanted to have a graphic put on a disc, I can do it. Over the next few weeks, I'm putting up some examples of my work on the ODSA auction site ( and then go to auctions). I also, at this time, have a few discs that are on display at Disc Golf Depot. (HUGE thanks to Jerry Miller for being kind enough to let me take up some of his space!) If you happen to drop by DGD, check them out!
A website will be coming soon and will be posted here.

If you have any requests, contact [email protected]

May 22 2005, 07:25 PM
Did you know there is a disc golf/frisbee company called Discology. They are based in the UK, but deal and promote worldwide. Just thought you would like to know that name has been taken

May 23 2005, 11:25 AM
The art work looks really cool. I bet they look awesome in flight. To bad the discs are of the Beatles.

May 23 2005, 04:13 PM
Yeah i've just discovered that. I'm taking some action to change it a bit.

I've also decided to put up some example of my work here. Let me know what you think.

This is just a few things that I've done and can do. Look for some more discs going up on ebay as well as (

May 25 2005, 05:10 PM
Those are pretty cool dyes. They are actual dyes right? Not just a stamp?

May 25 2005, 06:14 PM
those look great, but not so sure it is a 'new level'

Many dyers have discovered the advantages of plotters to assist in masking designs for the discs. This will be a tough market to be successful at. Not to bust your bubble, but taking a known name, and using techniques that are not new is not quite 'the next level'

but nonetheless ( ;) )
best of luck!

May 25 2005, 06:28 PM
That's good work.

I cut all my stickers by hand. I'm going to have to figure out what a plotter is if it is something that will cut the sticker for me.

Can someone point me to a plotter somewhere on the internet? I'll google it and see what I get.

May 25 2005, 06:32 PM
Yeah i've just discovered that. I'm taking some action to change it a bit.

I've also decided to put up some example of my work here. Let me know what you think.

This is just a few things that I've done and can do. Look for some more discs going up on ebay as well as (

Those are really cool dude !!!!

May 25 2005, 07:07 PM
These are awsome. Nice work

May 25 2005, 10:23 PM
deep pockets (

May 26 2005, 01:00 AM
deep pockets (

Thank you. This is just a hobby for me that makes my brother's tournaments a little cooler because that's where you find my stuff. If I was doing this to make money that would be pricey. But since this is just a hobby, those are priced just right!

May 26 2005, 03:55 AM
Hmmm.. Maybe the pictures posted here aren't a good representation of what I can do.

For the record, I use no methods of processing. Everything is done by hand (thus, the one-offs). I hardly believe that the above picture could be done by a plotter. A few more images of my work will appear here in the next few days that will hopefully put that to rest.
If there's a lot of stuff out there and people doing the exact same thing, please post the URLs. I've been searching the web for quite some time the past few months to see if there's anything out there like this.
While there are some good dyes out there (props to Dr Dye), there's nothing I've seen that is close to the image above. Thank you for your compliments and well wishes, I'm sure I'll need it.

May 26 2005, 12:11 PM
I want that eye looking thing.

May 26 2005, 12:41 PM
Yes the Dr. is a great one...

tattoed discs (web site is down)

Joel Kelly


There are more, you just have to do a little research. There are older threads on here somewhere that covers a bunch of ground.

That eye does look pretty sweet, I look forward to seeing more of your work. How long did the eye take you?

May 27 2005, 10:27 PM
Hmm.... well I guess we'll have to disagree on this one. I'm very familiar with Jbird and Tattoo a disc but not the third. In fact Tattoo is the only place I feel that sells discs that are even close to what I'm doing. However, a plotter image of Bruce Lee w/ a tye dye back ground doesn't seem to be in the same league, but again, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
The eye took me, not including dye time, about 2 to 3 hours. I've got a few more dyes up for sale on the ODSA site ( and some now on Ebay.

I will be changing the name soon (thanks to Richard at Discology for being cool about the mix up) and a new website to come next week! Enjoy!

May 31 2005, 02:32 PM
Like I said, your dyes are very nice...It is just not a mind blowing change from what is already available.

2 to 3 hours per disc- how much will you be charging?

May 31 2005, 05:25 PM
The time needed is irrelevant; only the result matters. That's what 'we' pay for, the ability to get a result, not the labour necessary.

May 31 2005, 07:42 PM
The time needed is irrelevant; only the result matters. That's what 'we' pay for, the ability to get a result, not the labour necessary.

Yes, however from a dye artist standpoint....If it take me 2-3 hours to do one badass dyejob, I would need to make some major $$ to pay for my time spent dyeing the disc. Time is money :D

Cool stuff, by the way Discology, and thanks for the props. Do you do any original work?? All the dyejobs I have seen are copyrighted stuff(not sure about the one you call woman in flames).

Check your personal messeges, I sent you one a while ago.

Good luck!!

May 31 2005, 07:52 PM
If it take me 2-3 hours to do one badass dyejob, I would need to make some major $$ to pay for my time spent dyeing the disc. Time is money

You're the Pro, but I guess I can't get around contradicting, good Doctor: There might be some 'lightning quick' ones worth disproportionately enough $$ to make time 'irrelevant'. But you know best, and only your accounting matters.

May 31 2005, 08:09 PM
Slo, What I mean is that I can spend about 45min-1 hour and make a pretty sweet disc. I dont mean dont take your time and do a good job, but if I was spending 2-3 hours per disc I would have just kept doing it for myself and friends, instead of trying to make a hobby out of it that makes a couple extra bucks in the process. If your trying to make money doing this, your biggest expense is time. My time is worth alot IMO :D If it takes me away from playing the sport I love so much, it better be at the very least profitable!!! If I were spending that kind of time on each disc it woudnt be profitable to me.

May 31 2005, 08:21 PM
If you aren't spending 2-3 hours on those, perhaps Wizard is more apt? Wow. :eek: So how long to do 100 you're satisfied with [this from somebody just arguing time was irrelevant ]???

May 31 2005, 11:21 PM
Well, if we are talking about 100 of my most current/highest priced-design based dyejobs, and we are talking about actual time spent on dyeing them, it would take me 75-100 hours. And that is guessing pretty high, I would think that it would really be more like 75-85 hours.

In my time spent dyeing over 1000 custom discs I have come up with my own methods of doing things. In the process of doing that I have made all the methods I use to dye custom discs extreamly efficient!!!

I am able to dye just about anything on a disc, some dyejobs do take longer than others, like my portraits. Those I do 100% by hand with no masking whatsoever!!! So those take a little more grace, which turns into time.

Time is really the biggest factor I use when I price a custom dyejob for a customer. I sometimes have a 6-8 week waiting list in the peak season!!!! People will wait for quality, and I will get it dyed up for them and get it shipped to them as soon as I possibly can.

The problem I have sometimes is I dont have team of dye artists dyeing all these DR DYED discs. Its just me and my dye. From time to time my girlfriend will help with whatever she can but even that is limited. I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I strive to give my customers the best I can!!! That takes time, which brings it all back to time being the biggest factor.

Thats just my .02 :D

Jun 03 2005, 04:30 AM
Ok to answer a few questions:

I'm not sure really where the pricing is going to be at. For the most part, they're pulling between $25 and $45 at this point. I'm still going to give it a bit before I really set a price. Which brings me to the next question....

A couple of hours are not the average dye time for me. This happened to take longer due to blending and detail. Time is money yes, but people aren't paying the $$$ for time. They're paying for the end product. So far, most of the dyes that have taken me almost no time have pulled some of the highest prices. However, some of the most complicated stuff I've done have been done for friends or me, so I'm not sure how much better they'll sell.

I'm making my name change and setting up a website as we speak and that will have most of my plans and ideas to come but I'll explain a little here. The reason why I'm using a lot of other work to dye discs is to give people an idea of what I can do. If you take a popular image that most people know very well and show how well it can be translated, it registers a lot better than a completely new piece. For the time being, I'm going to continue to use some more of that.
Eventually the plan is to incorporate original artwork from various people. I�m friends with a lot of artists and a few are working on some cool ideas for dyes. I�m also going to be trying out some new styles of my own. Although, I plan on keeping an element of pop art there. The plan is to get to about a 75% original work and 25% �other�. The idea is to make it into a sort of artistic collective. So the artists will have a dye stamp as a signature and you�ll know whose artwork you�re throwing/showing. Instead of buying paintings, you buy discs. All will be original and never be reproduced. Honestly, I'm just doing this because I love art and I love the game. Money is time but finishing a new dye job that rocks is well worth however long it takes to make it perfect.

and now for a bit of a treat to those that read all this crap. :D

See you in a new skin soon�..

Jun 03 2005, 01:06 PM
Thanks for the explanation. I agree with everything you said.
The Gene disc is bad [I'm a potty-mouth!]!
Looking forward to more of your work.

Jun 03 2005, 02:36 PM
nice work!! that is truely an art!! :D

Jun 04 2005, 04:16 AM
how about passin on some info, so others who dg art can play with an new medium

Jun 06 2005, 04:13 PM
like what?
you can find out just about anything you need to know by doing just a little bit of research

Jun 10 2005, 03:08 AM
tell me how to place pictures in my posts and I will show you some dye jobs that come pretty close to yours.....

Jun 10 2005, 04:14 PM
here is a first time dye job. Done with leather dye.

Jun 11 2005, 01:43 AM
I will have to agree that time is never accounted for when doing custom designs and just custom dyes.

This one was always my favorite:


Jun 11 2005, 01:53 AM
Very Cool ! !! !! !!! !! ! !

I need some help !!!

A Cool friend of mine is in need of a Z Wasp , 178grams.
It needs to have a Giant " V " dyed through the Disc.

The Z Wasp can have Dyed Yellow , Red , Green Colors in straight horizontal bars across the Disc.

Reggae Colors Please ( Hope I spelled Reggae correct ).
Help if I didn't.

Across the Disc , would be a Giant " V " , Dyed through as well. Dreggs color for the " V " would be awesome !!!!!!!!

I am trying to find this disc. If anyone can find this , or better yet , Make this for my friend , that would be totally Sweet !!!!!!

Be Cool ,

Donny Olow :cool:

Jun 11 2005, 07:51 PM
Very Cool ! !! !! !!! !! ! !

I need some help !!!

A Cool friend of mine is in need of a Z Wasp , 178grams.
It needs to have a Giant " V " dyed through the Disc.

The Z Wasp can have Dyed Yellow , Red , Green Colors in straight horizontal bars across the Disc.

Reggae Colors Please ( Hope I spelled Reggae correct ).
Help if I didn't.

Across the Disc , would be a Giant " V " , Dyed through as well. Dreggs color for the " V " would be awesome !!!!!!!!

I am trying to find this disc. If anyone can find this , or better yet , Make this for my friend , that would be totally Sweet !!!!!!

Be Cool ,

Donny Olow :cool:

Oh..........the Whole disc would be dyed in Reggae colors.

The " V " would also be across the whole Disc in either black or Dark brown. The V would look like dredlock hair !!!!!

Hope this helps more !!!!! Thanks again.

Jun 16 2005, 01:49 AM

Jun 16 2005, 11:23 AM
A little off subject but we need help from all the artistic types out there.

many logo and artwork designs have been submitted and will be used for the '06 AmWorlds ... now it's time to start "thinking in 3-D" ... the Trophy Design for the 2006 PDGA Amateur World Championships / Junior World Championships in Tulsa,Ok will be beautiful & unique ...
... certain styles and materials are currently being considered ... think originality and eye-appeal ... if you (or someone you know) have the artistic gift ; please submit ideas for Trophy-design through our website ... e-mail to Dave Wise or Steve Ward from the "Contacts" page ...
... ( ...

Jun 16 2005, 01:35 PM
What do you mean by 3-d; would you need glasses to see it; is it a hologram; what? :confused:

Jun 16 2005, 01:50 PM
Try to imagine a 3 dimensional trophy.
With the people I am working with, anything is possible. It is only ,limited by the person's own imagination. We are looking at using acrylic, which can also be used with other materials.
It would even be possible to have an exact replica of a city's skyline, disc, basket.....anything.

Please help. The more unique the better.

Jun 16 2005, 01:53 PM
Try to keep the overall design to under 24" - 18" in height and 12" in width.

Jun 18 2005, 07:05 PM
Back on topic, I rinsed off a new avatar disc today. The unveiling went well.

Jun 21 2005, 06:51 PM
I have a simple question. When you put blue dye on a day-glo yellow disc, does the result end up blue, or does it add blue to yellow and come out green?

If it makes a difference, it's Elite Z plastic, and powdered Rit dye.

Jun 21 2005, 07:27 PM
In my experience, depending on how yellow the plastic your dyeing is, it should still come out a shade of blue. What shade depends on to many factors to go into. It doesnt matter what kind of dye your using, should be the same for most dye mix's out there, with maybe a few exceptions.

Here is an example of a day glo yellow disc I dyed recently

You can see that the dye is still blue, it may be a different shade than if it was dyed on a white disc, but still blue.

Jun 22 2005, 03:44 PM
This was blue dye on a yellow disc, I think it looks fairly green.

Jun 22 2005, 05:22 PM
yellow + blue = green

just like a ziplock

Jun 22 2005, 05:27 PM
just like blue toilet water... :)

Jun 22 2005, 07:14 PM
Like I said...

In my experience I dont have that problem and most of my blue dyes on any yellow plastic turns into a shade of blue. I think that pic looks like a shade of blue, kinda blue green but still a shade of blue.

There are just so many factors that go into what color it will come out, so there will always be some exceptions depending on your dyeing processes. I can make my blue dye look green on a yellow disc by changing some of my methods slightly, but if I want green I will just use green dye.

Jun 23 2005, 05:04 PM
Hello all,
I thought I would post this info on both a new thread and the Art of Dyeing... thread as well.
Due to the fact that the name Discology has been taken, it took a bit of time to change everything around but I've finally settled on Agitprop. I've also just launched my new website that will be the face of Agitprop. It explains what I intend for the company and where I want it to go as well as showing off some of my favorite dyes. The site is still somewhat under construction but I wanted people to take a look at it and see what they think. Constructive criticism is very much welcome. (

Thanks to XA4 Designs for doing this site and to everyone that has been supportive in helping me get this up and running.

Jun 23 2005, 05:45 PM
Constructive criticism is very much welcome. (

Thanks to XA4 Designs for doing this site and to everyone that has been supportive in helping me get this up and running.

The text on that site, especally over the star graphic on the left is difficult for me to read, partially because it blends in with the background and partially because it's right justified.

Jul 07 2005, 03:39 AM
It's been awhile since I've posted here but I'd like to keep this thread alive just so that other people can show off what they've done lately. I also posted a thread awhile back to see if anyone has has any sucess in dyeing the Quarter Ks and if so, what they did to do it.
Here's a few dyes I've done in the past weeks.

And I did this really simple but fun Kanji disc sets using complimentary colors to make them really stand out.

Anyone else?

Jul 10 2005, 05:32 PM
Disc Gold Review just put out a great article on disc dyeing here. ( The only thing I'd say about it is that tape masking does work quite well. You just need to find the tape that fits your needs.

Jul 23 2005, 03:49 PM
I like your work man. It is really amazing what you can do on a disc. I am working on stuff but I am nowhere near you. I personally like the DMB one I did and the Angus Young one.
If you want to see my work, you can check out my site at

Jul 23 2005, 05:05 PM
Wow..........some nice designs.

I have a friend , who is a big Reggae fan , and would like to have a Z -wasp created with a Giant " V " across the top.

The Z -Wasp would have to be atleast 178+ grams.

The " V" would look like " Dreggs Hair".

The disc would be in full, Reggae colors. :D

Jul 24 2005, 08:50 PM
Wow..........some nice designs.

I have a friend , who is a big Reggae fan , and would like to have a Z -wasp created with a Giant " V " across the top.

The Z -Wasp would have to be atleast 178+ grams.

The " V" would look like " Dreggs Hair".

The disc would be in full, Reggae colors. :D

Oh...........the Dread lock hair , could be either Dark Brown or Black !!! :D

Jul 24 2005, 09:00 PM
Wow..........some nice designs.

I have a friend , who is a big Reggae fan , and would like to have a Z -wasp created with a Giant " V " across the top.

The Z -Wasp would have to be atleast 178+ grams.

The " V" would look like " Dreggs Hair".

The disc would be in full, Reggae colors. :D

Oh...........the Dread lock hair , could be either Dark Brown or Black !!! :D

Oh............and this would make a Great Die design !!!!!

Jul 25 2005, 06:46 PM
Wow..........some nice designs.

I have a friend , who is a big Reggae fan , and would like to have a Z -wasp created with a Giant " V " across the top.

The Z -Wasp would have to be atleast 178+ grams.

The " V" would look like " Dreggs Hair".

The disc would be in full, Reggae colors. :D

Oh...........the Dread lock hair , could be either Dark Brown or Black !!! :D

Oh............and this would make a Great Die design !!!!!

True World Champion !!!!! :cool:

Jul 26 2005, 04:33 AM
on what type disc do you think? :cool:

Jul 27 2005, 06:17 PM
on what type disc do you think? :cool:

Well, it would have to be fast. And able to travel long distances. And of course the 7-time Champion would have to be represented on nothing less than Champion plastic...

So, I'd go with a CFR Starfire.

Jul 28 2005, 07:21 PM
on what type disc do you think? :cool:

Well, it would have to be fast. And able to travel long distances. And of course the 7-time Champion would have to be represented on nothing less than Champion plastic...

So, I'd go with a CFR Starfire.

Also , some Glow TL's and Glow Orc's !!!!!! :D

Aug 06 2005, 07:53 AM
Here are a few of my own creations. Any feedback is good.

Link to Pictures of My Dyed Discs (


P.S. If any of you are wondering how I did them email me.
[email protected]

Aug 06 2005, 02:48 PM
WOW, you guys are amazing! I never knew that so much could be done to discs. I would like to say that I envy you all your creativity. Keep up the GREAT work! :D

Aug 07 2005, 12:49 AM
Nelly, check your guestbook.

Aug 07 2005, 01:03 AM
I've got some new stuff up at I think I'm over my cubist phase unless it turns out to be "commercial." I have a dozen $1 dyes in the basement waiting for their bath. If anything is good I'll post them later tonight.

Aug 07 2005, 02:43 AM
Cool site there Nelly. Check your guestbook for my comments. Hey Bruce, really looking forward to seeing what you came up with there in that basement for yours! :D

Aug 08 2005, 05:42 PM
Sorry. Right after I posted that something came up. Time permitting I'll put up some new pics tonight of $1 dyes. I'm always really busy the week before an IOS tournament.

Sep 14 2005, 02:14 PM
Here's a few examples I did custom for Barry Schultz recently. Pretty sweet usa color scheme he wanted for some.

Dec 04 2006, 03:49 AM
I posted some 80X80 avatars at a free picture hosting site. If you have ever bought a disc from me or won one of my trophy discs feel free to use one. I'll make and post some more.

It was strange but nice having strangers thank me for my league trophy discs at Kenosha last week. I had forgotten that I had done them. That's why i looked stupid, if you noticed the stupid look.

Dec 05 2006, 07:57 PM
Bruce, what Innova mold is that 2nd row/far right one with the ring stamp? Whippet, Gator, :confused:?
That blue and gold one is money!

Jan 21 2007, 02:33 AM
Mmmm, not sure if maybe your monitor has them displayed in a different array from mine. My second row far right is a spiral dye around a silhouetted player throwing a disc. The thrower is stamped and the spiral is dyed.

The blue and gold one is a Chicago sunset seen from the lake looking at the city. On that one, its all dye. I could do more of those.

Jan 21 2007, 02:38 AM
Sorry about the slow reply, btw. I don't read every thread every day.

I came out here to post this before I got distracted:

If you're a dye guy who has been looking for the really bright yellow RIT dye but can only find the normal yellow, I can fix you up with the bright yellow. You can buy it direct from RIT but only in large quantities. I have a gram scale and can sell you as much as you want.

Jan 21 2007, 11:57 AM
Sorry, I responded to widiscgolf's post and started it with your bad.

Jan 21 2007, 12:30 PM
That was actually a pro wraith I believe. That was a players stamp.

Remember the above discs were Barry Schultz's discs; so they can get some cool stamping straight from Innova.

Jan 21 2008, 01:52 PM
So I've been trying to put together an all-dyed bag for a while now. I'm trying to find two of every disc I already throw to complete my setup. Does anybody else have difficulties finding dyed discs in lower weights? I love the dye on this 167g Z-Surge that I got a while back,
but I can't find another cool, dyed, Z-surge that light. However, I do have a plain Z-surge in this weight. Does anybody out there do commissioned work for the general public? Specifically, I'd love to send my plain disc and a few bucks to the person who did this "sunwar" surge for something similar! Suggestions?


Jan 21 2008, 01:56 PM
Send a PM to Rusco with Dynamic Discs and he'll hook you up with whatever your looking for.

Jan 22 2008, 02:14 AM
I've got a 167 that I dyed $16 shipped.

Jan 23 2008, 10:47 PM

That is a pretty sweet dye! I'll keep that in mind, but I'd still like to see if I could get someone to dye the discs I already have first. In addition to the 167g surge I've got, I have two matched Z-Comets I'd like tie-dyed as well.


Jul 14 2008, 11:07 PM